Aug 03 2018 21 Day Fix Meal – Food Made Easy!
21 Day Fix Meal
When I started looking at food for FUEL instead of ENTERTAINMENT, that’s when my game changed and this 21 Day Fix meal is perfect. Food has always been a trigger. I had no real control of my portions, I had no control of what I was eating in general. I ate “healthy” food while I was out and about, but would have a ton of dressing, or fries….when those can be the most damaging items for my transformation. Maintaining consistency and moderation were the two essential keys to see change, that would last.
I get to think of my meals in colors now, thanks to these handy-dandy-portion-control containers. I can eat a variety of meals and still have daily balance. Eating out is easy now because I can eyeball what my portions should be. ???? Knowing what you should do is most the battle we fight. That was my main problem….I thought I was doing it right and yet I saw hardly any improvements. I am not talking weight either; I am talking inches, pants fitting better, more energy and attitude change! These are the portions I had with this 21 Day Fix meal.
1 Red (cod)
1 Yellow (organic brown rice)
1 Green (broccoli)
For my specific plan in the 21 Day Fix Extreme guide, I get 3 greens a day, 4 reds and 2 yellows. Some other colors too ???but you can tell that losing weight does not mean starving yourself. It’s actually quite the opposite. So many women I talk to feel they need to eat less to accomplish their goals! This is so far from the truth, most the time!Finally, if you are looking for more recipes, Fixate is a great recipe book. It has a ton of meal plans and gives you the container amounts you need. I recommend it for any 21 Day Fix meal plans you might want to make. And when you get to use your daughter’s princess salt and pepper, everything tastes better ?
Aug 01 2018 Gluten-Free Snacks that I know Everyone Will Love!
I’m not gonna lie, I am so thankful for these gluten-free snacks. When I found out my daughter and I needed to be gluten-free, I was super bummed. No more maple bars? Are you kidding me? I needed some GOOD gluten-free snacks.
Luckily, I was wanting to make some changes anyway and empty carbs and white flour were not in the plan.
Tweaking my diet and finding things I enjoyed still is really important to me.I just got off the phone with a client who recently found out she had to cut out gluten and was a bit overwhelmed. I remember all too well that same feeling. Almost like a fish out of water or like you’ve gotten the rug pulled out from under you. My main concern was how I could eat at a restaurant or a friends house.
I’ve learned how to plan and eat prior to going places, just in case there were no options for me. Having back up protein bars or my smoothie with me, helps a ton too. This is my secret stash of goodies I enjoy even more than the gluten filled alternatives. I have really come to love the pizza. I can’t have any giant Papa Murphy’s family sized vegetable pizzas anymore, which has helped with my waist line!
Another thing my friend just brought to my attention…you can get these at Target, stock up and store in the freezer AND I use my Red card for the added 5% discount. Udi’s, Rudi’s and Amy’s for the win! All awesome gluten-free snack approved!
What are your fave gluten free treats? Did you freak out when you found out you couldn’t have it? What’s the one thing you miss the most? Mine is maple bars obviously ? please share this if you know someone who needs some comfort food that won’t tear up their stomach.
Feb 09 2016 Work In Progress! Progress Photos After Surgery
Work in Progress
I took these photos today and I realized I looked better 10 months post (2nd) baby then I do now, a definite work in progress. Gosh darn it. Now, I am not on this journey to be perfect. NOT AT ALL! It is about me being the best version of ME. Competing with myself. Being that example to our kids that it’s about feeing good in our bodies and understanding limits and nutrition. Training my brain in the good habits, not the bad cycles I used to live in.
I’ve realized if I don’t have a plan and if I don’t push out of my comfort zones, my old late night eating and binge habits come back. They creep in. I have been known to wallow in a little self pity. I’ve let the past hangups affect the present. Not forgiving myself or staying too long in that defeat. Not any more. Action builds confidence so I will put my head down and go. #shutupnegativeselftalk
Now this will require some commitment. I’ve lost results and strength from the surgeries but through accountability from the group and some hard work, I know I can gain it back, plus some. ? No matter where any of us are at, we are a work in progress! But with a group of women like us, we will hit results like never before! I am going to be joining my husband in his official Corporate Beachbody Test Group with 22 Minute Hard Corps (read more about it here)! I’m super excited about it, as his results so far have been awesome! I want to tell everyone all about, as it is being released March 1st and we will be holding a test group March 21st to take people through it!
Who wants to say goodbye to some bad habits and push with me? Who wants to welcome Spring Break with open arms? We start the “Rock Your Results” Challenge on 2/15. Message me or comment if you are up for a challenge! It includes:
~21-60 day workout schedule all laid out and accessed from any device
~one superfoods meal a day you don’t have to plan or prep (that tastes delicious)
~support from a group of like-minded women all trying to learn and grow
~full nutrition guide with portion control containers
~one on one support from meWe are all a work in progress! This is my before accountability post! We have 6 weeks until the cruise and I want my after photo to represent my diligence. That after photo is what motivated me after baby and STILL does. The time is NOW??
Feb 03 2016 Tacoma Beachbody Coach at Your Service
Tacoma Beachbody Coach
I am a mother, wife, and lover of all things fitness and nutrition. I am a Tacoma Beachbody Coach. The thing to remember, is that 98% of what we do as coaches is either in our personal homes or online! As a mother of two kiddos, 5 and 3, it was essential to me to be able to work from home. I definitely work. It is not just a side passion, this is part of my life now. I love helping others achieve their goals. Not only in fitness and nutrition, but in helping others reach their financial goals. It is not just a one year proposition and commitment. It is a lifestyle and takes multiple years to build a strong business. The rewards are unbelievable. The friends I have made, the people I have seen change, the free trips, the love of life! It has been a crazy adventure so far, but definitely amazing!
Tacoma Beachbody Coach that can Coach Anyone, Anywhere!
I love living in the Pacific Northwest. I specifically love being a Tacoma Beachbody Coach. I have really enjoyed helping hundreds of women in this area and now around the United States and Canada reach their goals. To feel better in their own skin. I have a coach in British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Florida, North Carolina….you get my point! It works for everyone anywhere in North America! So feel free to reach out to me. Don’t be afraid to start. Your health and nutrition is so important! It affects every part of your life. Your energy is where everything begins. When you are healthy and your nutrition is on point, you really will see such a change in your life.
Tacoma Beachbody Coach, Being Local
It is fun to have local coaches. I love getting together and brainstorming. Meeting and sharing stories. I love the friendships. Setting goals with my team and watching them grow is one of the most fulfilling parts of this lifestyle! Don’t hesitate to reach out! Feel free to chat with me here. Or, friend me on Facebook (here’s the link) and message me! I can’t take the first step for you. So talk to me! Reach out, I will love partnering with you in this journey!!
Jan 07 2016 Makeup Ideas: Crying….how to hide it?!!
Cute Makeup Ideas
When you cry your eyes out the night before your 5 year old goes to Kindergarten, the eyes get a bit puffy? and it’s time for cute makeup ideas! To combat that puffiness, matte medium -dark eye shadow helps a ton. I like dark brown for blue eyes and dark grey for brown eyes.
Today was Nars Coconut Grove eye shadow with Laura Mercier BlackTight Line for liner. Anything with shimmer would have made my puffiness shine like the sun.
After drop off, I went immediately to Target to buy something I didn’t need. I also made my bed because somehow that makes me feel better heehee. For more makeup ideas go check this post I wrote awhile back about primer and foundation!
Dec 19 2015 Weight Loss Journey after Baby #2!
This is my weight loss journey.
Oh my goodness, weight loss is no joke! It is so much easier to gain it than make it go away! How many can relate with that?! It took a lot of hard work and patience, as well as consistency to for weight loss to happen. In my case, with the help of Chalene Johnson and Turbofire, as well as getting my nutrition on point grounded with Shakeology, I was motivated to have a transformation like never before!! Come with me and watch how my life was changed and how you can too!!!
How I Reached My Weight Loss Goal!!
This is me in a nut shell!! I love Turbofire, it has changed my life. I am a stay at home mom, with two beautiful children. My kids and husband are my life! I knew I wanted to get in the best shape of my life and finally found a way to do it. This was me prior to Turbofire, and actually before being pregnant with kids. Being married and lazy, I started getting chunky. I was eating way too much and definitely not eating the right foods. I needed some weight loss bad!!
I purchased Turbofire and my life will never be the same, the weight loss began. I not only lost weight, I transformed into what I had always wanted. I had gone to the gym most my life. I had done weights, circuit training, some crossfit……. You name it I had tried it. But working out from home, consistently, with a trainer/coach like Chalene Johnson, changed the game.
I also changed my eating. I started using Shakeology. This gave me both energy and a better frame of mind. I literally could feel the difference as my body got used to it the first few weeks. Now it is a staple and my entire family has it everyday. I also found out I was allergic to gluten. I removed it from my diet and has really changed my life. The bloat is gone and feel so much better.
I want to encourage women and men, that no matter where you are in your life, you can always make a change, you can have a transformation!!! I thought I was doing great before kids. I thought I was in great shape! I was so wrong and I feel so much better now! I lost 41lbs in the eight months….that’s a lot of weight loss. I since have lost about 3 or 4 more. My body likes to be around 137 or 138, being 5’7″! Even though I feel I need more weight loss, my body really doesn’t like going below that. It has been an incredible journey.
I finally have my Lulu gear fitting the way I want! That is the benefit of working hard to reach your goals. Since my transformation I still workout all the time and am continually transforming into a better “me”!! What is holding you back from becoming a better “you”?!! I want to help. The journey is not easy, but it is doable and can be done.
I love helping others and this has been life changing. You may need a life change and I would love to see you transform into a more healthy and fit you!! Feel free to contact me….I will help you along the road as you create your own transformation!!
– Facebook is where I am at the most: fb.com/stacy.rody
– You can follow my on Instagram: @stacyrody
– And feel free to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more inspiration and motivation!!
Thanks so much!! — Stacy Rody
Dec 09 2015 How to Lose Belly Fat?! It’s NOT a Secret!
How to Lose Belly Fat!
How to lose belly fat? Well, the problem with belly fat, is that a lot of times it comes off last. So for most, we will work hard for a while, stay consistent for a short period of time and then not see the results we want. For anyone wanting to know how to lose belly fat, this is great info!
Do you feel like you are doing everything “right” but it isn’t happening fast enough? Before you give up understand THESE things?
First Way How to Lose Belly Fat – Make a Plan
♥-It takes a 3500 calorie DEFICIT to lose one pound of fat. To lose an average of 2 lbs a week you need to burn or deplete 7000 calories. Two pounds of fat loss a week may not seem like a lot but that is 104 lbs in a YEAR! Now you may vary slightly, but losing “30 lbs in a month” of FAT is probably not the best for your body. You are losing MUSCLE mass at that point and you WILL rebound from that, gaining back fat, as muscle takes a lot more work to build.
So, start with a plan. My Fitness Pal has both a great website and app that work wonderfully for counting calories and macros. Macros are your main nutrients that food provide you. Protein, fat and carbohydrates. We are not going to break those down today, but I will in the future. I am a phone girl and love this app. It let’s me look back quickly at what I had the previous days and where I am at throughout the day. They have a barcode scanner that works amazingly well. Overall it really is a game changer and keeps us on the right path as we learn how to lose belly fat.
Talk to people. Seriously, don’t be afraid to talk and reach out to people that you know try to eat healthy. When I started this journey I knew nothing compared to what I know now, but I had to start. My husband and I tried lots of different things and had successes and failures. We still do!! We are always learning! There are people that know much more than me! That doesn’t stop me from trying to be the best I can…which takes a plan. So, write down what you are planning on doing and stick to it. And if you fall off the plan one day, jump back on the next and know that there are 365 days in a year!! It’s a war, and we want to win more daily battles than we lose…that’s where we will see the change.
Second way how to lose belly fat – Nutrition
♥-I want to start of this section making a brief point about “water weight”. Losing excess water and bloat is NOT a bad thing. Many are so bloated from poor processed food diets high in sodium and allergens. That excess water usually comes off week one, in addition to fat, on a healthy plan, which is why there is a greater loss week one of starting a program. Starvation and severe calorie restriction will NOT work. If you eat too little too frequently, you WILL train your body to STORE fat. Output must exceed input! If you eat more calories than you burn, you WILL GAIN weight. Period. YES, you should be eating protein, the right carbohydrates, and healthy fats, but PORTIONS still matter. Too many calories of ANY type of food will cause you to gain weight. If it sounds too good to be true, then it IS too good to be true. The only way to LOSE FAT and to keep it off is to workout hard and EAT unprocessed natural foods.
This fully ties into one’s nutrition. If you want to know how to lose belly fat, you have to be willing to really take a hard look at what you’re eating. I can have 1700 calories a day of junk, such as chips, candy, fruit, bread, which are high in carbohydrates, or just one piece of fruit, one piece of bread and fill in my other portions with leafy greens, Shakeology, lean meats, and other healthy variety of foods. Your daily intake of food makes all the difference. We all need healthy fats in our diet. For example, avocados, nuts of all variety are going to be a healthy sort of fat. But adding in ice cream daily, which can be broken down into calories just like almonds, can really make a difference in how to lose belly fat. One is healthy and gives you necessary nutrition, the other just hurts your body.
One of the main things you need to remember is that water is your best friend…..and lots of it!! Not a glass here or there, but a plan to drink at least half your body weight in ounces per day. I weigh around 140lbs…..yep, I told you my weight…. and I try to drink at least 80 ounces of water a day. It keeps me hydrated, my body functions better and think more clearly. I also find that I have a lot more energy. The biggest benefit has been that I always feel less bloated and my belly looks trimmer. Seems weird, but that’s the way it works!
Third Way how to lose belly fat – Workout…..Hard
♥-You have to WORK when you “workout”. I know what the magazines say: long walks in the park, doing laundry and household chores, lifting your groceries are all forms of exercise. They are all movement and that is great for a healthy lifestyle but to CHANGE your body you need more than that. Unless you are working out with intensity (intensity for you whatever that is) and unless you continually PROGRESS and CHALLENGE
yourself you will not make changes to your body.
This means that you have to push yourself for 25-50 minutes 4-6 times per week. And this means making your body sweat to the point you will need to wash your clothes! The reason I chose to work with Beachbody was because I find that the at home workouts give me much less excuse not to do my daily workout. I get a daily schedule, nutrition guide, Superfood shake and have a great plan of attack!
So, go make a plan. Start learning a lot about nutrition and healthy options. Then go work your booty off! As you go through this process you will learn how to lose belly fat. It is such a tough area on all of us and there is no shortcut for anyone. You just have to work hard and make it a lifestyle! I love helping others along this journey. I am always in the journey as well, in my own life! I will never reach a peak! I am always growing and changing, learning from others. If you do need some motivation…reach out, I love helping people! I believe I have the tools for us to succeed in this process and never ending battle, but you have to reach out and make the effort to connect! Email me at [email protected] with the Subject line “Looking for a change!”. Then tell me a bit about what you’re looking to change! I look forward to learning from you as you take the steps to see major changes! Thanks!
Nov 23 2015 Daily Routine – Don’t Skip It!
Daily Routine
Having a daily routine is so very important. Listening to the BEST podcast on what a balanced approach is to nutrition. The top tips on what most fit people do. I did a lot of this naturally because I was so fed up wth crazy diets and restrictions, I had to find a way to live and feel GOOD in my body without feeling like everything was taken from me. Restrictions stink but some things need to be a “no-no”. For me that was excessive candy and fast food. I don’t like to think about what I took away when I lost my baby weight. I like to think about what I put in. I set up a very structured daily routine to make sure that I would stay on task. The following breaks down the main 4 things that I consistently do daily.
Here’s the 4 items that have helped me the most:
? One salad a day to your daily routine (And by salad I mean add carrots, cucumbers, almonds, dried cranberries, anything healthy really. Here is an article on some ideas for what to put in your salad.)
? Way more water to your daily routine (at least 64 ounces, more if you are feeling under the weather. My rule of thumb is half my body weight in ounces.)
? Daily exercise I enjoyed and could work into MY daily routine (21 Day Fix, Body Beast, Insanity and my favorite Turbofire are all between 30-50 minutes. They are also all at home workouts, that I can fit in any time. And Shakeology…everyday)
? Being at peace with knowing if I treating my body well, it would do what I wanted. Now that it is a marathon and that my daily routine will help me finish this very long race. It is NOT about sprinting and stopping after 2 weeks.Those are my 4 rules. If I continually make those 4 areas my daily routine, I tend to feel good and continually keep away the softness that I so very much dislike. One last tip, which is very hard for me, focus on the wins. That means the small victories. For example, I might not lose much weight, may even gain weight, but because I take photos and measurements, I can always see small victories. So, know that it will take time to see the change and that your body needs time and consistency to change. I hope this helps and encourages you to push towards that ever changing transformation. Go and make your daily routine that works for you!
Nov 19 2015 Zucchini Noodles and Meatballs – Gluten-Free Dinner!
Zucchini Noodles
Zucchini Noodles make an amazing gluten-free dinner!! My bestie made it for me and I not only want her cute white dishes, I could have this meal weekly. Trying new dishes with friends is amazing. My cousin, who was my maid of honor in my wedding and my best friend has lost a bunch of weight in the last few months. This is one of the main reasons why. Having things like zucchini noodles is a huge part of the process in getting healthy. Not that she can’t have normal noodles, but keeping away from carbs, that are very starchy and dense, has been key in her transformation.
Gluten-free Dinner
You do need a spiral veggie cutter. Veggetti was what we used. $12 bucks and it’s small and easy to store. Zucchini Noodles are easy to make and can be used in tons of different dishes. My kids will eat them…which is huge! Here’s a little excerpt from Organic Facts about zucchini,
“Zucchini is well known to reduce weight, yet still boosting the nutrient value of your diet. Moreover, it helps to promote eye health, and prevents all the diseases that occur from vitamin C deficiency like scurvy, sclerosis, and easy bruising. It helps to cure asthma and has a high content of vitamin C, carbohydrates, protein and fiber. Zucchini contains significant quantities of potassium, folate, and vitamin A, all of which are important for general good health. Zucchini, when eaten regularly, can effectively lower your homocysteine levels.”
So as you can see…..add zucchini into your diet as much as possible! You can’t go wrong….now onto what we had for dinner.
- What she threw in:
- Organic marinara sauce from Trader Joe’s, heated
- Aidell’s Italian meatballs, browned
- Zucchini noodles, boiled for 2-3 min.
- Salt & Pepper
We did mix some gluten-free noodles we had made for the kids in with our zucchini noodles. It is amazing how good something can taste, even when it is not what you think it should be. Never, once when I was growing up, do I remember having zucchini noodles!
The salad is:
Green onions
Mixed greens
AvocadoFeel free to use this for a 21 Day Fix Meal! And remember, add zucchini noodles into your meal plan as much as possible!
?????? -
Oct 03 2015 How to Better Yourself? Learn From Friends!
How To Better Yourself
I ask myself all the time, how to better yourself. My gorgeous friend Jessica has taught me so much about eating clean! We celebrated her baby girl due next month today and it got me thinking………??
This woman makes most things from scratch and it’s always beyond delicious. She also makes very healthy food this way. It is amazing how she makes something taste so good, that I have conceived as being “not very good.” Does she have the “time”? No, she is a full-time midwife, that busts her butt all the time helping other mothers, but she does it anyways because she appreciates quality food. She is someone I can look up to and strive to become!
When you really look at how long it takes to make things from scratch, I’ve realized it’s not as complicated as I used to think. It just takes a little extra planning. I also have to be creative and I have to stop making excuses. Over the last few years I have really gotten some staple recipes that my family loves.
Food doesn’t have to be fried, dipped, battered, and overly sweet to taste amazing. It doesn’t have to have a bunch of sugar or tons of salt. It doesn’t need “cream of….” anything! It for sure doesn’t have to have a bunch of dairy either, (though I won’t lie, I will never go without butter totally;)
It can be simple and fresh.
Sometimes it just helps to have someone make it look easy and you gain confidence in knowing that you too can create amazing things in a short amount of time. Thanks so much Jess for all that you do and all that you are! Baby Hazel is about to receive the best gift a child could have, her loving mother. Thank you for being such an amazing friend and for pouring so much love into my life. You are such a blessing! Remember, never stop learning how to better yourself.