Stacy Rody
Currently browsing: Fitness


  • NEW Annual All Access Pass – Don’t Miss Out!

    All Access Pass


    Hey Fit Friends!

    It’s 6 weeks into 2017 and I’m curious…how are YOU doing with your goals?  Do you feel like you may need a fresh start in February? Me, too!!!  Our family was sick for most of January.  But sick or not, if you are anything like the “old” me, this is about the time I would start to fall off the wagon.  I would begin falling back into my late night snacking habits or forget my vision of what I was really setting out to do.  Here’s what’s so GREAT about this year, we don’t have to go back to our old ways.  There’s a new way of thinking and it is not the “quick fix” mentality.  It’s a long-term mindset.

    Let me explain more….

    You know how I emailed last month about the NEW Annual All Access Pack?  It’s basically Beachbody’s “Netflix” of Fitness deal and it’s been a game changer for so many on our team. I am seeing results of 8 lbs LOST for a busy working mom of 3, 16 lbs and 22 inches off for one focused woman – all in ONE month.  Yep, changes are happening all over the place and if you have not jumped on this wagon, the time is NOW.  So this Netflix deal is the Beachbody On Demand Exclusive ALL ACCESS Pass. For only $199, you get access to over $6000 worth of programs, nutrition guides, and extra deluxe workouts.  In addition, you get access to the 3 NEW programs that Beachbody is coming out with this year!!!  I don’t know what they are yet, but I know they will be GOOD!!  This price is ONLY good through the end of February.  My guess is that it will go up SIGNIFICANTLY in price in March if they keep it going, which it should because it’s an amazing deal!

    [arve url=”” align=”center” title=”All Access Pass – Find out what this Fitness Mom is doing from home!”/]

    Here is the link to take advantage the All Access Pass.  CLICK ME!!! 

    Need a quick recap of the All Access Pass?  Here is the scoop:

    * Let me break it down for you….so for a FULL YEAR you get unlimited access to hundreds of workout programs — like P90X3, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, Core de Force, Body Beast — you name it!! Every single workout that Beachbody has ever made plus any new programs that come out this year! I would have KILLED for this when I signed up. You would have immediate access to LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT that I have used to lose weight, tone up, and stay in shape over the past 4 years!  

    all access pass, beachbody on demand, stacy rody, allacess, all acess

    ALL of our workouts stream LIVE from your computer, phone, tablet or smart t.v.  Not only that, but you can count on being a part of my online fitness groups for the next year so you get the support and accountability to keep you committed!  Did you know that 70% of people without a coach end up quitting?  That is not what I want for you.

    SAY what?????  It’s cheaper than most gym memberships and you get to workout at home….no fighting for equipment, driving to the gym, waiting for classes. Just push play and you’re done!

    Here’s what you get with the All Access Pass:

    -A FULL YEAR’S ACCESS to all Beachbody programs ever created and to come out in 2017

    -One month supply of the famous nutrient dense Shakeology (we all know you can’t out train a bad diet, get one meal a day you don’t have to plan)

    -7 piece Portion Fix Color Coded Containers and Shakeology shaker


    all access pass, beachbody on demand, on demand, shakeology, stacy rody

    All of the above (yes, you get ALL 3 items) for only $199 through the end of this month only!

    I would so love to help you get to your goals! That’s my PASSION! I am here as your coach to HELP you, guide you every step and encourage you!   I would love to add YOU to my monthly online challenge groups to give you the support and daily accountability that most of us so desperately need!  

    all access pass, beachbody on demand, stacy rody,

  • Join the Health Bet…and see how you can get the All-Access Beachbody on Demand challenge pack!

     What Is The All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack & Membership?


     Team Beachbody launched a brand new option for its customers and coaches called the All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack. It’s an insane value and will change your whole mindset on fitness!!  Check this out! 

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    There are now more options than ever to have access to the tools that can help you achieve the look and feel that you want!  I discovered Team Beachbody when I was pregnant with my son 4 years ago.  I decided to start a program called TurboFire after I had him because I knew I needed something to give me energy and get my body back in shape after two pregnancies.  It seriously kicked my BUTT and it totally changed my life.  Every afternoon when the kiddos were napping (or no napping) I would pop in my DVD, move the ottoman from in front of the couch and workout. I learned how to eat clean through my coach and our challenge group.  I found support in other women who were also setting goals and wanting more for their families.  I was forever changed because of the accountability and daily nutrition I found in my simple meal, Shakeology.  This whole experience that I now get to pay forward to you, has changed the course of my family’s culture in more ways than I can even start to describe. 

    So here’s what is happening!!!

    Last week, the CEO of Team Beachbody Carl Daikeler announced a new option for anyone to take advantage of.  The Annual All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack & Membership which provides total access to every program available on Beachbody ON Demand, plus future releases.  So that means that every single program Beachbody has ever created from P90X, Turbofire, Insanity, 10 Minute Trainer to new ones like Cize, T25, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Hammer and Chisel, Insanity Max30, 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme, Core De Force and more are on a digital library you can access plus anything new that Beachbody releases you get INSTANT access at no additional charge for an entire 12 months.  That is incredible!!!!  Starting on December 27th you will be able to purchase either an annual membership or the Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand + Shakeology Challenge Pack.  This is an incredible opportunity for me to help you get even better results.


    WHY is this so Awesome?

    I love the All Access Challenge Pack because it gives you:

    • 1 Year Membership to Beachbody On Demand (BOD) with all content included, plus future releases.
    • Shakeology (choice of 30-day supply on home direct)
    • Portion Fix (includes 7 piece portion control container system, eating guide, large blue container and shaker cup)
    • Business Starter Kit Waived if you choose the coach enrollment option.
    • You get all of this for $199 for the entire year  (12 months) and there is no monthly fee.

    BOD, Beachbody On Demand, All Access Challenge Pack, all access, beachbody on demand, beachbody, fitmom, fit mom, 2017, make a change, goals 2017, life change, make a difference, not a diet

    The points I listed above is worth thousands of dollars and for 12 months you are getting access to everything that Beachbody has ever created plus anything new through the year.  That is awesome but the real reason I am excited is this.  You can purchase this pass and together we can choose to start with, for example, 21 Day Fix.  You can complete 21 Days of the program, at the end of the 21 days we can have a discussion around what program you are going to do next.  What your goals are, what you have already accomplished and how we can help to tweak your plan to get you results.  Maybe after the 21 day fix you decide you want to add in more cardio.  We can move over to T25 or Core De Force as the next program.  Or let’s say you have an injury that is preventing you from completing the 21 Day Fix, we can switch programs and move over to the 3 week yoga retreat until you are feeling well enough to go back to your T25 workout.  The key here is you now have options that help YOU achieve YOUR goals.  We can continually tweak and change your plan so that you do not lose momentum and drive. We don’t want you getting bored and we want YOU to get the results you’re after.

    Each fitness program through BOD has the calendar of workouts and what to do when.  Each program has a nutrition guide you can download and tracking sheets!! This is not about just starting and completing 1 program, it is about moving through each stage of your journey and entering into a lifestyle of proper nutrition and fitness.

    The most important part of this whole thing is the SUPPORT!  Sure, anyone can just buy a program, but where you see most people getting results is when they have a community of support around them helping them to get results! That is where the magic truly happens!

    I used to go to the gym and do a machine for 25 minutes and then wander around ending up doing a few weight machines and crunches.  It took so much time to drive there and I had no clue what I was doing.  The time, money and frustration it caused me is the main reason this smart fitness has turned my life around.  I don’t have to come up with anything new, I simply follow the plan and it works!!!  No more fad diets, I drink my superfoods daily and push play, I love it!!!!

    So this year is YOUR year!  If you are like me and you need structure, support, guidance and accountability then I can tell you this will work.  

    YOU are invited and I know this can change your life like it has mine!

    I am starting our “Renew and Refocus” Group that will be run through the Beachbody Challenge Tracker App.  You will set realistic and achievable goals, log your workouts, your nutrition and Shakeology daily through our app based program and I will be there 24/7 to provide support, accountability, guidance, recipes and meal planning to make this a lasting lifestyle change. 

    all access, beachbody on demand, beachbody, fitmom, fit mom, 2017, make a change, goals 2017, life change, make a difference, not a diet, healthy choices, get in shape

    What is the cost of the All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack & Membership?

    • The Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack is $199
    • The Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand Membership is $99.95 and that does not include Shakeology &  the portion containers.
    • If you are an existing Beachbody On Demand Customer you will HAVE to cancel your current membership by calling customer service at 1800-470-7870 and canceling and then you will be price adjusted accordingly.  Then, you can complete this form to upgrade to the all access subscription.   You cannot do this until the 27th of December when it is launched.
    • If you live in Canada your All Access Beachbody On Demand Membership is $99.
    • If you live in Canada your All Access Beachbody On Demand + Shakeology Challenge Pack is $239.
    • You can also choose the Beachbody on Demand Kick Start Challenge Pack which includes the 3 day refresh, which is truly the BEST option to start fresh, cleanse and get on the path to success in the new year and that is $239 US and $277 Canadian.
    • If you already have Beachbody on Demand you can upgrade to the annual all access membership for $99.

    Who Can buy this Challenge Pack??  

    • If you are an existing customer you can cancel your current On Demand and get this option.
    • If you are a new customer or coach you can utilize this option as well.
    • It is for EVERYONE which is awesome!

    When can I buy this Challenge Pack??  It’s available December 27th! Fill out this Form below and I will be contacting you within 24 hours!

    Fill out my online form.



  • Black Friday Sale TODAY! Save up to 78% on products to help you, your family, and friends!

    Black Friday Sale TODAY! Save up to 78% on Beachbody products to help you, your family, and friends stay strong and healthy during the busy holidays.

    Do you like a good sale as much as I do???  I’m all over deals!!!  I promise to always get you the latest and greatest, so check OUT this Blowout SALE!!!

    Beachbody’s Holiday Sale is going on NOW. (I’ve already stocked up on some great things, at great prices!) Beachbody has put some of their best products, programs and supplements on sale for up to 78% off. You know I don’t like to post about “salesy” things, but I don’t want you to miss out on these deals!

    PRO TIP:  These will sell out FAST. So if you’re even thinking of it, you need to make your decision quickly.

    Over the next few hours, everything will be going LIVE on the site — so keep checking back! 🙂

    Check out the graphic below for a few of my favorites that are on sale! (There is so much MORE!!)


    Click the photo or my link below for the FULL list of sale items!

    That’s a lot to choose from, right? So what do I suggest?

    The 21 Day Fix Meal Prep Pack is a GREAT deal!! It will bundle together a large light blue container (for holding salads, etc), color coded pre-portioned containers, a 21 Day Fix Tote, and the FIXATE cookbook. This is PERFECT for some variety in your diet and it is at a great bargain!

    If you are an Autumn Calabrese fan and are ready for an extreme program, then DEFINITELY pick up The Master’s Hammer and Chisel — it will sculpt and tone your body in ways you never thought possible!  

    Also, ChaLEAN Extreme is an amazing program to really TONE UP!  It’s a favorite among most of my clients.  

    I will definitely have a Shakeology Storage Canister in my cart! They make it so much easier to scoop and store your superfoods and look cute on the kitchen counter or in your pantry.  

    My final recommendation would for a workout program is Turbo Jam. It was the first ever taste of Chalene Johnson and anything Team Beachbody.  A friend had let me borrow hers and I was hooked.  That taste is what got me doing TurboFire after Jude was born and dropping massive inches and 40 lbs!!!  


    Remember, they will go fast so purchase what you want TODAY!!!!  I’m not kidding 😉 If you already have a Beachbody Coach, please get in contact with them about the Sale items. If you do not have a coach I am more than happy to help and guide you make your fitness goals a reality. 

    The holidays are here and if you want a more personalized approach and some help kicking off your goals and maintaining through the Holiday season, please get in touch with me and we will get you squared away with a program that is best for YOU.  We have a Holiday Bootcamp starting after Thanksgiving and I need you in there!!!

  • Fight Your Way To Fitness! Core De Force Is Where It’s At!!!

    Core De Force!!!

    I am pumped UP to announce that Beachbody has a brand new home fitness program that launched this week!!!  Joel & Jericho (who you may know from Les Mills Combat and PUMP) created this total body transformation program that will rock your world.  You need zero equipment and every move is firing your core!!  I love that all you need is your own bodyweight to get a killer workout! It also includes the Beachbody On Demand, which gives you the option to stream from any device.  If you travel for work, you can get it done from your hotel room. Core De Force is an MMA inspired program which includes 3 minute “rounds” where you will get boxing, kickboxing and Muay Thai, knee-elbow combinations, body weight training and cardio spikes that will help you lose belly fat and SHRED your body.  I love that it’s broken up like this so you can go hard for 3 minutes at a time, and before you know it the workout is over!!  You will SWEAT, you will be SORE and you will get RESULTS!  Check out all the details here if you are ready to change up your workout, break a plateau, get started with your transformation or hold yourself accountable over the Holidays.  We are going to be hosting a private Test Group for people who are ready to join me in this 30 day program!


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    Who is Core De Force For?

    Core De Force is for EVERYONE.  Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced level in your fitness, you can do this workout.  The workouts are only 30-45 minutes, so it’s the perfect amount of time!!!  This program has a modifier so you can go at your own pace.  You will enjoy the challenge of taking the intensity higher to improve your cardio strength, speed and endurance.  Each MMA inspired workout has an optional move breakdown to help you get familiar with the combinations.  Core De Force also focuses on rotational moves which means you will work your core from 360 degrees every time you hit play. That is going to be awesome for all of us who really want to tone that trouble area (hello mommy belly).


    core de force, fitness, martial arts at home fitness, mma at home,


    How Can I Get Involved In My Support & Accountability Group?

    So now, here is the MOST important part.  How do you REALLY succeed at this program??  Well, anyone can go out there and buy the Core De Force Challenge Pack and do the workouts.  Unfortunately I have seen many times where someone will purchase a program with the best of intentions and before they know it, the workout is sitting on their shelf collecting dust and making excuses for why they have no time or it isn’t the right timing.  So don’t let this be another program that you have good intentions with!  It’s time to take charge of your fitness and nutrition and get involved in a group of empowered people ready for a change just like you are!!!!  The private online community of support that is going to help you start and complete the program and get the RESULTS that you want, just might be the BEST part!  Better yet, we are going to help you create a Holiday plan that is going to give you the flexibility to enjoy the holiday things you want to eat but still get results. Yes, you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle!!!!






    Do you want to join???  Here are the requirements and how to get started:

    In my Test Group I am going to be requiring that everyone participate for the entire 30 days of the program, starting on November 14th!  Each participant must have ME as their assigned coach.  You cannot already be working with another coach or be a coach yourself.You must commit to both the fitness program and Shakeology to join the group.  You will be getting everything you need for this group when you sign up with me.You must be willing to participate daily in the closed online group.  I will have you log your workouts in our amazing Challenge Tracker App right on your phone and also in the Private Facebook group (choose where you like to log best). You’ll be logging your daily food and fitness activity and others will be too!!!  It will provide you with tools, tips and recipes to help you get to your goals.You must be willing to give it your all!  Change is not always easy, but it is totally worth it.


    How Much Does It Cost?

    Core De Force has a variety of options.  The one that I recommend the most is the Core De Force Challenge Pack  because it comes with everything you need to be successful with this program.  It comes with the entire Core De Force workout program, nutrition guide, program manual, Shakeology, access to ME as your coach, discounted price and shipping, plus it gets you into my Test Group where I will be giving you a 5 Day Meal Guide to help you get started right; giving you recipes, tips, and daily accountability so that this program does not become another dust collector on your shelf.

    The >>Challenge Pack<< is $140 on Sale starting October 31st through November 2016.

    There will never ever be a perfect time to start your fitness and health transformation.  You literally just have to take that leap of faith, bite the bullet and go for it.  If you do not try, how will you ever know if you can succeed? This just might be that ONE thing where everything comes together and just finally makes sense to you and your lifestyle.  That’s what’s happened for me and why I’m so passionate about sharing it.  Will YOU take the leap?  I sure hope so!!!!     *APPLY HERE*


  • Country Heat, Dancing you into Shape!

    Country Heat is Coming!

    Country LOVE!!!!  This Country Heat looks amazing!

    Check out these results!!!!

    Lori has been rocking COUNTRY HEAT and she has gotten incredible results!!!!!

    “I not only LOVE this workout program, and from someone that doesn’t like country music or dancing was huge…but its changed me as a person, my mindset, my confidence, and my shyness as well as odd as it may sound. In the last 3 months, I’ve lost 28lbs, and gone down from a 12 to a 4/6.”

    COUNTRY HEAT is fun and easy to learn.  You will get the steps down very quickly.   There are no pushups, pull-ups or burpees, I know you will deeply saddened by that, about as much as me.  The music is amazing and you don’t even feel like you are working out – BUT – your heart rate stays in the FAT BURNING ZONE for 30 minutes!! Fast, Fun, and Effective!!!

    It also comes with an eating plan to make sure you are going in the right direction as long as you follow it and stay consistent.  We have a great group looking forward to this country fun!

    Here are the supplements I use doing this program: FAVORITE SUPPLEMENTS

    Who’s ready to dance it up to some COUNTRY HEAT with me???


    What is Beachbody On Demand?

    On Demand, Beachbody On Demand, Club Member, home workouts, at home workouts, beachbody, vip, meal plans, healthy meal plans, meal planning, insanity, chalean extreme, free, p90x, p90x2, p90x3,

    Don’t like DVDs? Me either! Which is why I LOVE Beachbody on Demand so much! BOD is a new feature from Team Beachbody where you can stream Beachbody’s many proven fitness programs. Premium team members can work out anywhere, anytime when they stream the Beachbody workouts. Ultimately it offers you unlimited access and a one-stop shop to hundreds of awesome workouts.

    On Demand, Beachbody On Demand, Club Member, home workouts, at home workouts, beachbody, vip, meal plans, healthy meal plans, meal planning, insanity, chalean extreme, free, p90x, p90x2, p90x3, How Does a Premium Club Member Get to Beachbody On Demand?

    You can access On Demand through a web browser or through the Beachbody On Demand app/channel on supported devices. To access on a web browser, simply log into and sign in, or sign up.

    How Much Does It Cost?

    • $39.95 for 90 days access (weekly breakdown of just $2.99)
    • 30-day free trial!

    What is Included?

    • Dozens of Beachbody workouts
    • 10% discount on future purchases in the Team Beachbody store
    • Meal plans customized for your unique lifestyle and goals
    • VIP access to celebrity trainers and experts, including live chats
    • Your own personal coach for one-on-one guidance and support
    • Message boards and chat rooms for answers to all your questions 

    On Demand, Beachbody On Demand, Club Member, home workouts, at home workouts, beachbody, vip, meal plans, healthy meal plans, meal planning, insanity, chalean extreme, free, p90x, p90x2, p90x3,

    What Programs Are Included?

    1. Member Library The fitness programs available to stream under the Member Library section currently include: P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity, TurboFire, Brazil Butt Lift, Ten Minute Trainer, ChaLEAN Extreme, INSANITY: The Asylum (Vol 1), INSANITY: The Asylum (Vol 2), Tony One-on-One (vol 1), Tony One-on-One (vol 2), Tony One-on-One (vol 3), Hip Hop Abs, Hip Hop Abs Deluxe, Tai Cheng, Rev Abs, Rockin Body, Shaun T Dance Party, Turbo Jam, Total Body Solution, Yoga Booty Ballet, Ho’ Ala ke Kino, Power Half Hour, Great Body Guaranteed, Get on the Ball, Power 90 and Project You, Slim in 6, Slim Series Express, Slim Series, Brazil Butt Lift Master Series and ChaLEAN Extreme Deluxe. Also included are Niche Workouts by Sagi Kalev, Autumn Calabrese, Joel Freeman, Jericho McMatthews and Tony Horton. They are added monthly and only available in the On Demand Member Library. Check out Leandro Carvalho’s new exclusive On Demand workouts Carnivale & the 4 Active Maternity workouts for new & expectant mothers (see NICHE WORKOUTS & TRAINER Q&A below for details).
    2. Purchased Programs Allows Premium Club members to stream DVD programs they have purchased from Beachbody, Team Beachbody, or the Beachbody Amazon storefront, if available. Programs available to stream after purchase under Purchased Programs currently include: 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Body Beast, Focus T25, Insanity MAX:30, P90, PiYo, The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, CIZE, CIZE: The Next Level and 22 Minute Hard Corps. And, for a limited time, buy the Digital Unlock for Body Beast, Cize, or Focus T25 to gain On Demand streaming access without DVD purchase (for details, view FAQ 1282).
    3. Premium Content
      & Sample Workouts Premium Content programs are Purchase Programs that a Club Member has not yet purchased either as a DVD or a Digital Unlock. Sample workouts (previously “Sneak Peek”) are available to stream, and can be found on each Premium Content program page. Sample workouts available to stream currently include: 21 Day Fix: Total Body Cardio, 21 Day Fix Extreme: Plyo, Body Beast: Total Body, PiYo: Sweat, Insanity Max:30: Sweat Int., P90: Sculpt A, Focus T25: Alpha Cardio, CIZE: Work Your Body, Hammer and Chisel: Iso Speed Hammer, and Hammer and Chisel: Total Body Chisel.
    4. Challenge Du Jour A daily rotation of workouts selected from different programs in the Beachbody Catalogue, as well as new monthly workouts performed by Beachbody Live Master Trainers exclusive to Beachbody On Demand. The rotation of workouts is carefully chosen to create an overall balanced fitness regimen. Master Trainer Challenge Du Jour is a special Challenge Du Jour that is always available. Master Trainer CDJ can be accessed through the Challenge Du Jour or Master Trainer pages.

    Workout Anytime Anywhere:

    One of the greatest perks of Beachbody on Demand is the fact that you can stream workouts from virtually any device such as web-enabled laptops, tablets, and even mobile devices. This adds so much opportunity in terms of where you get your workout on! And yes, it even works internationally! 

    Ready to sign up for the Beachbody On Demand membership? CLICK HERE to get started!

  • 22 Minute Hard Corps Woman’s Workout! Get your Boot Camp on!!!

    [youtube id=”lGtD6r-bKqQ”]

    22 Minute Hard Corps Woman’s Workout! Get your Boot Camp on!!!

    3 Rounds:

    30 Skip Flys
    30 Cross Climbers
    10 Fast Feet/Down
    10 Knee Drop Lunge
    10 Spin Burpees

    To get the full program email me at [email protected]

    Feel free to check out my website at for more inspiration, health, fitness, fashion and makeup tips! Or check me out on Facebook at



  • Transformation Tuesday! Talk about Weight Loss!!

    Transformation Tuesday!  Are you Kidding ME?!!!!!

    My girl, Jenn Anderson, has gone crazy and done 4 rounds of 21 Day Fix and has been having Shakeology daily.  This is the result!  Consistency is the key with the right tools.  No crazy diet, just moderation and eating the right food daily.  Way to go Jenn!!  Here’s what she had to say:

    transformation tuesday, jenn a anderson, mom, motivation, life change, lose weight, weight loss.

    “4th round in the books!!!! Honestly this one is a little emotional for me! I CANNOT believe that’s me in my before pic! I wanted to keep wearing the same clothes to show the difference and now my shirt is baggy!!!!!!! UNREAL! Listen, I DID NOT want to start this program! I thought I would fail! Thought I was “happy” eating whatever and not subscribing to “skinny culture”. I still don’t subscribe to that…however I had no idea how bad I felt. How much of my health was being compromised! I feel like my real self is being restored everyday! SO THANKFUL! If you’re at all curious about joining me, DON’T WAIT!!! Seriously, you won’t regret it!” ~Jenn A. Anderson

    Jenn, you are an inspiration to all women, and especially to us moms!  Thanks for sharing and motivating us to keep pushing!

  • Energy!!! Summer Strong Fitness Challenge

    Summer Strong

    The feeling of having energy ?and being strong??. Two of the best feelings ever! Well, and being able to walk into your closet and wear everything you own with the greatest of confidence. I didn’t always used to have them. I was lost in what to eat and what workouts worked best for me. Now I have a fire in my soul to help other women find what works for them. I want you to have everything you’ve wanted with your health and fitness goals. There’s no reason not to wait. Start taking care of yourself sooner than later. ?

    I love the quote, “To have something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” This relates so perfect to fitness and nutrition.

    If you are tired (literally) and sick of not feeling good in clothes or out of clothes for that matter, you should join me! Starting April 18th, a group of us are hitting it hard. We are getting “Summer Strong.”

    Here’s my list of favorites that I think you’ll love too:

    ?you do it all in the privacy of your own home
    ?you have a full workout schedule and nutrition guide with those cute color-coded containers for portion
    ?One meal a day is taken care of for you and you get to keep your fitness program forever
    ?It’s $5 bucks a day to change the whole course of your confidence for Summer weather
    ?you get me as your coach and BONUS a private group of ladies who all check in on each other daily (private online group)

    Do something new and feel the positive momentum that proceeds giving you the energy and strength you know you desire. I only have room for 3 more girls! Email me at [email protected] or drop you email below. Let’s do this! ‪#‎summerstrong‬

  • Free Trip!!! Bahamas, Jamaica and the Oasis of the Seas!

    Our Free Trip

    Free Trip….are you kidding me?!  At the end of 2013, I had heard of this “free trip” but didn’t understand how it worked.  I asked my husband, he just said I needed to help 3-5 people a month.  I already had the passion to help women find their health and fitness, now I had just that much more motivation.  See, there is still always that little bit of fear, nagging in the background.  Not with this!  I was going to get that free trip!  So in 2014 I accomplished my goal.  I helped 3-5 women a month…sometimes more and my husband and I, (yes you can bring a guest), got to go to the Moon Palace in Cancun in 2015!!

    It was amazing.  Literally blew my mind that we were there and not having to pay to be there!  Talk about a dream come true!  It also kept my fire lit.  I already had been hitting my goals for 2015, but it really pushed me to become more of a leader.  I really buckled down.  Guess what?  I earned my second free trip, this time on the largest cruise ship in the world, the Oasis of the Sea!  We were heading to the Caribbean to visit both the Bahamas and Jamaica!  I also must mention….the relationships we have built online around the country and Canada, but seeing everyone in person is also part of the “dream come true”.  It is beyond amazing!

    For this trip, we headed down to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida a day early and got prepared to board ship the next day.  We got on the next day around 2 PM and get acquainted with the ship and started saying hi to all of our friends and join 6,000 other coaches to a cruise ship totally rented by our company.  We all see each other usually twice a year, so it is definitely a reunion every time.  The fun had begun!  The next day was the Bahamas.  There was so much to do, we chose to walk the town, checking out a local Rum Distillery, from the early 1800’s and then hung out on the beach.  Absolutely beautiful and the culture was amazing!

    After that we got to have a formal night on the ship, we dressed in our best, my hubby even wore a suit and tie, and we hung out with 3 different groups of friends!  So awesome!  The next day we were at sea all day.  Every morning there were celebrity trainer, live workouts.  Tony Horton from P90X, 22 Minute Hard Corps and P90, Autumn Calabrese from 21 Day Fix and Hammer and Chisel, Sagi Kalev from Body Beast and Hammer and Chisel, and Joel Freeman and Jericho McMathews from Les Mills Pump were at different times every morning.  You could go to one or all 4 workouts!!  It is always breathtaking to be with a huge, like minded group of people do a live workout!  Right afterwards, all the pool bars had turned into Shakeology bars!!  Amazingness!

    The next two days were awesome!  We went on an excursion in Jamaica, got to hang out at a private beach and have an authentic Jamaican lunch…delicious by the way and really just relax.  We took naps, we worked out, we had a few drinks, we had cheat meals….a lot and really enjoyed our friends.  It was perfect.  It is beyond a blessing and so much fun.  Take a look at all the pics!!

    view tonyhorton, workout, free trip, free cruise stacy matt stacy matt bahamas stacy bahamas ship morning workout morning workout action malonie rody fun formal night, free trip, free cruise, stacy rody feet and sand chair black and white laugh bikinis behind water stacybeach fun group Free trip, bahamas, jamaicahearts, free trip, free cruise, angela maloney, stacy rody, bahamas, sunshine, blue water

    To say the least, this free trip is just another reason why this business we do has changed our lives.  My husband I are so grateful for this opportunity.  My goals were set in January and we have almost earned our free trip for 2017 in the Dominican Republic mega resort, Punta Cana!!  I am so excited and can’t wait to be there with our team!  As I write this, I want to make sure you have the opportunity to join me and my team.  If you are at all intrigued… stop waiting and reach out.  Health and fitness are what we are about, this is just one of the perks for getting yourself in shape and helping others do the same!! Send me a message here!  I look forward to connecting and working on your goals!!  Free Trips are the bomb!  🙂