Dec 23 2015 Healthy Snack and Three Tips to Help Your Nutrition!
My Favorite Healthy Snack!
My healthy snack today, I’m splurging on a tall Americano with one inch of steamed eggnog! This is a huge improvement from the FULL ON eggnog latte I used to order ?
#bloatedmuch ?? Starbucks #selfie photo bombed ??
I’ve been thinking about what simple clean eating means to me. Especially when I see all these traditional Holiday foods that are packed with way more butter, breaded-ness, cream, milk, sugar than they truly need. I know it’s fun to splurge but for everyday dinners and meals, we can cut out the extras to preserve our waistline.
Here’s what I have done to think outside the box:
? I don’t do butter on my gluten-free toast, pancakes, gluten-free french toast, just either some peanut butter and jam or just straight jam. We don’t do milk or mayo. Veganaise and almond milk replace them.
? When eating a healthy snack like veggies…..no more dips for my veggies or prepackaged dressings or spreads unless the ingredient list is short and clean!
?I pick and choose my carbs very carefully! No more sticky rice, breaded stuff, carbs late at night. Now it’s about grabbing a healthy snack like sweet potatoes and brown rice or quinoa.
? I do salads instead of sandwiches and tacos. Never underestimate the power of greens!!
I seriously used to want every meal to be like a celebration. It had to have massive condiments and flavor, being exactly what I was craving. Luckily I got free from most of mine and realized that I can adjust my taste buds over time. Now for major Christmas FUN!! Only a few more days!???#salads#glutenfree #cutouttheextras
Remember that a healthy snack is relative to where you have been. I have continually gotten better. I used to have an eggnog latte with a bunch of whip cream on top. Then this healthy snack became an eggnog latte with no whip cream. Then this healthy snack became an eggnog latte with less eggnog! Then, the healthy snack became an Americano with a fair share of eggnog added to it! This year it finally became the Americano with one inch of steam eggnog on top. It has a fraction of the calories it once had, and way less fat. It is called an evolution and change of my body and mind. I can drink this healthy snack, a steamed eggnog Americano with no guilt!! That is the power of changing your health and nutrition from the inside out! Now tell me how you have evolved with your healthy snack.
Dec 22 2015 Hammer and Chisel before the New Year!
Hammer and Chisel Starting Now!
Friday workout d-to-the-DONE! Had my little man right beside me! I’m officially starting Hammer and Chisel Monday ??
Was just talking to a friend about how I used to sabotage all my hard work just for three weeks of Christmas “fun.” You know where that “fun” would leave me? ??Bummed out, my clothes all tight, & self-esteem lowered because I had let myself down.Matt and I are keeping a tight reign this year. He’s actually doing better than me so far! I vow to make this Christmas season more about the events and people than all the food. ? Shakeology is daily….maybe even twice! Definitely not joking around! I vow to start 2016 strong! I vow to stay next to all my clients and cheer them on. ??? We have so much more self-control and determination than we give ourselves credit. ?✨⚡
The sports bra and capris are both Unity, purchased at Nordstrom Rack….picked out by my husband! 🙂
Now to go wash my spray tan craziness off in the shower? Let me know if you want to know more about Hammer and Chisel! -
Dec 21 2015 I love Shakeology and so do my Kids!
My daughter and son love Shakeology!
People have asked me many times if we have our kids drink Shakeology. The answer is a most definite “Yes”!!! We usually give them 1/3 of a scoop each, maybe a bit more and they get it in their own special cup! They love it and is getting all those super foods into their bodies at the ripe old age of 3 and 5!! We have actually been giving it to them since I started taking it, which was in March of 2012. So our daughter has been having it since before she was 2 and Jude has been having it since he could eat, on the fast track to superior health!!!
I will say this about Shakeology. It is safe for kids and adults alike. Some of the Shakeology ingredients might create allergic reactions, because there are of 70 superfoods in it. That should not scare you off. It has changed our family’s life. My husband as well as myself have seen some obvious outward examples. His hair stylist actually saw a drastic change in thickness and health in his hair. After six months she could not believe the change. He also has very brittle nails that crack very easily. After Shakeology, his nails never split anymore and grow like crazy. That is where I have seen a huge impact. Our hair grows like crazy! I have thick hair, but it never grew super fast. Now it grows ridiculously fast. Again, my hair stylist started drinking Shakeology after seeing the change in our hair! It’s crazy!
The other side of what has happened in our lives is our cyclical colds. In Washington state, where we live, the change in weather inevitably comes with sickness. It seems that no matter how careful we are, the colds enter our home! Why do I bring this up and how does it relate to Shakeology? Well since having Shakeology daily, when I get a cold, I find it is gone in only a couple of days and less extreme. My husband has definitely seen the change and our kids have been having it most their life and they hardly get sick at all! It is such a blessing.
I also know that Shakeology is not the fix all. Our overall diet and nutrition in general has become much more simple and healthy. We stick to a lot more raw foods, which doesn’t allow us to mess up and have a lot of processed food choices. We are learning about healthier alternatives all the time. It is amazing how many of our choices have come back and helped our body.
It is awesome to think that our family is truly on the path to leading our son and daughter on the right path of nutrition. Prior to 2012 that was not the case. Shakeology, Chalene Johnson with Turbofire and Piyo, Tony Horton’s P90X series, Shaun T with Insanity, Beachbody Ultimate Reset, Autumn Calabrese and 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme, Body Beast and now Hammer and Chisel have all played a huge part in transforming my families habits. We are so much more active and my husband has loved the change in me!! We make health and nutrition a focal part of our life! We talk about it and don’t pretend to hide our food choices from our kids. They know what kale and spinach are, they know all about gluten-free, they know about moderation of sweets and junk food. As a family we want to do our part to end the trend of obesity. We do that by first living it out ourselves, then sharing with others ways it has worked for us and hopefully can work for them!!
This journey will not stop and it is exciting and new everyday Don’t cheat yourself, check out Shakeology!!
Dec 17 2015 Elderberry Syrup is a Life Saver!
Elderberry syrup, also known as sambucus, is here to the rescue!
Finally made a big batch of elderberry syrup! It’s a great preventative for colds and flus. Sambucus Nigra, which is the most common type of eldeberry, it enhances the immune system and works with vitamin C to fight viruses. You can buy it or make it different ways, this is the recipe from my doctor.
Elderberry Syrup Recipe
- 1/2 cup dried organic elderberries
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/4 cup brandy
- 1 inch fresh ginger
1. Simmer berries and fresh ginger (peeled and cut into small pieces) over low heat in 3 cups of water for 20 minutes.
2. Mash berries and strain liquid off
3. Place infusion back on the stove and simmer over low heat until it reduces to 1 cup
4. Add honey and brandy
5. Write date on jar as it lasts for 6 weeksWe do one teaspoon once a day for the kids and one tablespoon for us once a day. If we do get sick, it’s rare that it lingers long! #kickitquick #preventativecare
Dec 16 2015 Gluten-Free Pumpkin Bars!!!
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Bars
Gluten-free pumpkin bars are a recipe that the whole family loves. I love finding new delicious gluten-free recipes and this one should fit the bill.
Sugar Detox Diaries: Day 3
I’m still alive. That’s all.
Kidding, today was actually better than yesterday. Had energy and focus and remembering all the healthy (and sweet) alternatives there are to gummy bears lol!
???The good news is-it’s PUMPKIN season!!!???
Here is a fave! Grain-free, gluten free food, vegan, and they actually taste good!!
1 can pumpkin
1 cup chilled almond butter
1/2 cup honey
4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
3 tsp vanilla
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp sea saltSpray coconut oil spray in 8×8 baking dish. I used glass.
Stir all ingredients until blended
Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes
These gluten-free pumpkin bars are amazing. Try to eat only one and make sure the family saves you one for the next day to have with your coffee. ☕?
Dec 09 2015 How to Lose Belly Fat?! It’s NOT a Secret!
How to Lose Belly Fat!
How to lose belly fat? Well, the problem with belly fat, is that a lot of times it comes off last. So for most, we will work hard for a while, stay consistent for a short period of time and then not see the results we want. For anyone wanting to know how to lose belly fat, this is great info!
Do you feel like you are doing everything “right” but it isn’t happening fast enough? Before you give up understand THESE things?
First Way How to Lose Belly Fat – Make a Plan
♥-It takes a 3500 calorie DEFICIT to lose one pound of fat. To lose an average of 2 lbs a week you need to burn or deplete 7000 calories. Two pounds of fat loss a week may not seem like a lot but that is 104 lbs in a YEAR! Now you may vary slightly, but losing “30 lbs in a month” of FAT is probably not the best for your body. You are losing MUSCLE mass at that point and you WILL rebound from that, gaining back fat, as muscle takes a lot more work to build.
So, start with a plan. My Fitness Pal has both a great website and app that work wonderfully for counting calories and macros. Macros are your main nutrients that food provide you. Protein, fat and carbohydrates. We are not going to break those down today, but I will in the future. I am a phone girl and love this app. It let’s me look back quickly at what I had the previous days and where I am at throughout the day. They have a barcode scanner that works amazingly well. Overall it really is a game changer and keeps us on the right path as we learn how to lose belly fat.
Talk to people. Seriously, don’t be afraid to talk and reach out to people that you know try to eat healthy. When I started this journey I knew nothing compared to what I know now, but I had to start. My husband and I tried lots of different things and had successes and failures. We still do!! We are always learning! There are people that know much more than me! That doesn’t stop me from trying to be the best I can…which takes a plan. So, write down what you are planning on doing and stick to it. And if you fall off the plan one day, jump back on the next and know that there are 365 days in a year!! It’s a war, and we want to win more daily battles than we lose…that’s where we will see the change.
Second way how to lose belly fat – Nutrition
♥-I want to start of this section making a brief point about “water weight”. Losing excess water and bloat is NOT a bad thing. Many are so bloated from poor processed food diets high in sodium and allergens. That excess water usually comes off week one, in addition to fat, on a healthy plan, which is why there is a greater loss week one of starting a program. Starvation and severe calorie restriction will NOT work. If you eat too little too frequently, you WILL train your body to STORE fat. Output must exceed input! If you eat more calories than you burn, you WILL GAIN weight. Period. YES, you should be eating protein, the right carbohydrates, and healthy fats, but PORTIONS still matter. Too many calories of ANY type of food will cause you to gain weight. If it sounds too good to be true, then it IS too good to be true. The only way to LOSE FAT and to keep it off is to workout hard and EAT unprocessed natural foods.
This fully ties into one’s nutrition. If you want to know how to lose belly fat, you have to be willing to really take a hard look at what you’re eating. I can have 1700 calories a day of junk, such as chips, candy, fruit, bread, which are high in carbohydrates, or just one piece of fruit, one piece of bread and fill in my other portions with leafy greens, Shakeology, lean meats, and other healthy variety of foods. Your daily intake of food makes all the difference. We all need healthy fats in our diet. For example, avocados, nuts of all variety are going to be a healthy sort of fat. But adding in ice cream daily, which can be broken down into calories just like almonds, can really make a difference in how to lose belly fat. One is healthy and gives you necessary nutrition, the other just hurts your body.
One of the main things you need to remember is that water is your best friend…..and lots of it!! Not a glass here or there, but a plan to drink at least half your body weight in ounces per day. I weigh around 140lbs…..yep, I told you my weight…. and I try to drink at least 80 ounces of water a day. It keeps me hydrated, my body functions better and think more clearly. I also find that I have a lot more energy. The biggest benefit has been that I always feel less bloated and my belly looks trimmer. Seems weird, but that’s the way it works!
Third Way how to lose belly fat – Workout…..Hard
♥-You have to WORK when you “workout”. I know what the magazines say: long walks in the park, doing laundry and household chores, lifting your groceries are all forms of exercise. They are all movement and that is great for a healthy lifestyle but to CHANGE your body you need more than that. Unless you are working out with intensity (intensity for you whatever that is) and unless you continually PROGRESS and CHALLENGE
yourself you will not make changes to your body.
This means that you have to push yourself for 25-50 minutes 4-6 times per week. And this means making your body sweat to the point you will need to wash your clothes! The reason I chose to work with Beachbody was because I find that the at home workouts give me much less excuse not to do my daily workout. I get a daily schedule, nutrition guide, Superfood shake and have a great plan of attack!
So, go make a plan. Start learning a lot about nutrition and healthy options. Then go work your booty off! As you go through this process you will learn how to lose belly fat. It is such a tough area on all of us and there is no shortcut for anyone. You just have to work hard and make it a lifestyle! I love helping others along this journey. I am always in the journey as well, in my own life! I will never reach a peak! I am always growing and changing, learning from others. If you do need some motivation…reach out, I love helping people! I believe I have the tools for us to succeed in this process and never ending battle, but you have to reach out and make the effort to connect! Email me at [email protected] with the Subject line “Looking for a change!”. Then tell me a bit about what you’re looking to change! I look forward to learning from you as you take the steps to see major changes! Thanks!
Dec 05 2015 Cobb Salad is great, the Hawaiian Cobb Salad is Amazing!
Hawaiian Cobb Salad
I’m not gonna lie, this Hawaiian Cobb Salad was to die for. It literally was the best Cobb Salad I have ever had. Trust me, I have had a lot of salads in my life! For some reason this one hit the mark more than others. I loved it beyond words! It really had a sweetness I had not tasted before. It was also super fresh, which really made it stand out! The lovely Anthony’s at Point Defiance is where this lovely food of heaven was served! It is a local favorite of my husband and mine. It is a beautiful setting, right on the water with views of the Olympics and Mt. Rainier. I would definitely recommend it!
Being gluten-free and eating out is tricky at times. I either order the fish, chicken or a salad. Sounds boring but actually it’s not so bad. Sure I miss a big fatty burger and bun but my body does not. It loves the salads. The leafy greens help in so many ways and try to eat two salads a day. This way I am getting a quality amount of fiber and it makes my feel fantastic.
Here is what is in a Hawaiian Cobb salad recipe. It was topped with:
- Mango
- Bacon
- Celery (chopped small)
- Shrimp
- Avocado
- Tomato
- Blue Cheese (just a tiny bit because it’s not technically gluten-free)
- Sweet herb dressing on the side
Embracing the beauty of salads has been huge for me! I actually wasn’t sure I wanted to try this one, because of the blue cheese and what not. But this was a date night and a cheat meal and it ended up being not only amazing but not very much of a cheat! A win-win in my book! This Hawaiian Cobb Salad really hit the spot!
Nov 30 2015 Hammer and Chisel! Join Us!
Hammer and Chisel is Almost Here!
Hammer and Chisel, a new program, launches in 3 days!!! Don’t wait to grab your partner and get your groove on before the new year! My husband and I are about to do this together!
Seriously though, rewind 5 yrs ago…we were always sick, ate family size Papa Murphy’s pizza’s and I would make us homemade chocolate chip cookies ( all in one night ?)! We didn’t think long-term about our health yet and we thought fitness and nutrition were two separate things. Well, he got serious while I was pregnant with our second baby and then I got serious. Now we’re both serious if you can’t tell by our faces!
Has it been easy? Nope! But we can finally say after all the arguments and discussions about who wants to workout when and who bought junk at the store ect ect ? we have a plan and we stick with it. The bonus is….we get to do some of them together. We will also be sticking to the meal plan, and yes it comes with containers to help you prep correctly!!!
Hammer and Chisel is Official Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese teaming up to bring an amazing 30-40 minute workout you can do with limited equipment and space. We start Dec 14th and we are going to rock it through the Holidays. If you have to start late, that’s okay! At least grab your stuff before it sells out and have your plan!
What do we do from here? You comment below “I’m Interested” (as long as you’re not working with another coach) and we will add you to our group. You get first access to the challenge pack once it launches. Then we help you get started when the time is right for you! You can also email me at: [email protected]. ?
Nov 26 2015 Baked Sweet Potatoes and Garlic Aioli Mustard!
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Baked sweet potatoes are quite possibly one of my favorite foods. I absolutely love them. Actually, my entire family absolutely loves them. My kids will actually ask for them. Are you kidding me?! Baked sweet potatoes? Who knew?! Well they are now a staple in our house. And what makes them the best ever, garlic aioli mustard from Trader Joe’s. This garlic aioli is a staple in our house. We will use it with meat, on sandwiches and with every kind of vegetable. It’s delicious.
Now, let us delve a bit deeper into why I love having family eat baked sweet potatoes. When looking at the benefits of vegetables and fruits I eat, I go to organicfacts.net. They have a ton of information on everything healthy. Some of the main areas that sweet potatoes help with are:
- Inflammation: Like the common potato, sweet potatoes also have anti-inflammatory properties. They do not belong to the same family as common potato. This is primarily due to the presence of beta-carotene, vitamin-C and magnesium. It is equally effective in curing internal and external inflammation.
- Asthma: Sweet potatoes are effective for curing congestion of the nose, bronchi and lungs, thereby giving relief from asthma. Its typical aroma helps in this property.
- Immune System: Being very rich in beta carotene, which is a major antioxidant, along with vitamin-C and B-complex vitamins, iron and phosphorus, sweet potatoes are excellent immune system boosters. They can defend your body from a wide variety of conditions and afflictions.
- Bronchitis: The concentration of vitamin-C, iron and other nutrients help to cure bronchitis. Sweet potatoes are believed to be capable of warming up the body, possibly due to the sweetness and other nutrients that impact body temperature. This property is also beneficial for people suffering from bronchitis, along with its powerful effect on congestion.
- Digestion: The fiber content of sweet potatoes is higher than common potatoes and they taste good too! When these two factors are combined with other minerals like magnesium, which is present in sweet potatoes, it makes an excellent facilitator for digestion. Sweet potatoes are easy to digest as well, since they mainly contain starch. They are soothing for the stomach and intestines, so you will avoid any difficulties of passing or digesting them.
- Cancer: Beta-carotene, the champion antioxidant and anticarcinogenic substance, is the pigment responsible for the color of the peel of the sweet potatoes. The beta carotene and vitamin-C contained in sweet potatoes are very beneficial for curing various types of cancer, mainly those of the colon, intestines, prostrate, kidneys and other internal organs.
- Arthritis: Beta-carotene, zinc,magnesium, and vitamin-B complex make sweet potatoes a hugely important food source for managing arthritis. The water where sweet potatoes are boiled can also be applied externally on joints to ease the associated pain of arthritis.
- Diabetes: Sweet potatoes are beneficial for diabetics. They are very effective in regulating blood sugar levels by helping the proper secretion and function of insulin. That does not mean that diabetics should eat them indiscriminately. The idea is that sweet potatoes can replace rice or carbohydrate intake as a healthier option.
- Water Balance: The fiber or roughage present in sweet potatoes helps the body retain water. This maintains water balance in the body, keeping your hydrated and your cells functioning efficiently.
- Stomach Ulcers: Sweet potatoes have a soothing effect on the stomach and the intestines. B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium and calcium are all very effective in curing stomach ulcers. Moreover, the roughage in sweet potatoes prevents constipation and the resultant acid formation, thereby reducing the chance of ulcers. The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of sweet potatoes also reduce the pain and inflammation of the ulcers.
- Weight Gain: This benefit is pretty awesome and my husband loves it when trying to bulk. Sweet potatoes are sweet, and they contain very quality amounts of complex starch, along with healthy vitamins, minerals and some proteins. Moreover, they are very easy to digest. So, they provide a lot of energy and are excellent bulk builders for people looking to gain weight. People who have recently suffered from illnesses, or are self-conscious about being frail or abnormally thin should welcome this news about sweet potatoes, since there are no associated side effects, which most of the synthetic bulk building dietary supplements have.
- Other Benefits: They are effective for helping people quit addictions like smoking, drinking and taking certain narcotics. They are good for the health of the arteries and veins, as they protect their walls against hardening. The high concentration of beta carotene (an alternative form of vitamin-A) and phosphorus are excellent for both ocular and cardiac health.
This recipe is from the Fixate cookbook. If you have some sweet potatoes handy, I’d throw them in the oven and make these tonight. ?
- Cut in thin round pieces
- Drizzle with olive oil
- Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper
Bake at 200 degrees on parchment paper for 2-3 hours until crisp.
This mustard makes the perfect dipping sauce and is a “free food” on the meal plan. So go make up some baked sweet potatoes and do yourself a favor.
Nov 01 2015 Creamy Garlic Dressing – Gluten-Free Dressing – 21 Day Fix Approved!!
Creamy Garlic Dressing
It’s food prep day for a lot of us and a gluten-free dressing is the perfect option, better yet, creamy garlic dressing! I love spending just 1-2 hours on Sunday’s making simple foods to have on hand for the week. I am always looking for better ways to take care of my family. I am also always looking for gluten-free options. There is gluten in so much more than we think and I have felt the affects of not knowing I was eating gluten, when I actually was. One of the big culprits can be salad dressings. My husband went through a 21 Day cleanse back in 2012, called the The Ultimate Reset, and this little gem made it a lot easier for him. It called for a ton of salads and this was his dressing of choice.
Finding out I needed to go gluten-free during that time, I started going crazy on nutrition label reading. This one was about as simple as they come! I made it for him the first time and we were both in love. Shoot, my kids even love it! I never even thought about making a creamy garlic dressing, but this is the magic one! I have to give my husband credit for going through The Ultimate Reset. We actually gained an amazing amount of knowledge from those 21 days. So know that this creamy garlic dressing is absolutely healthy in every way and delicious. A great cookbook I use is Fixate. She is the creator of 21 Day Fix and has a ton of awesome recipes like this.
Here is one of my all time favorite homemade salad dressings:
Creamy Garlic Dressing Recipe:
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
3-5 cloves garlic, crushed
3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp Himalayan salt
1/2 tsp Dijon Mustard
1 Tbsp honey or agave
Blend for 30 seconds or until well mixed. Store in refrigerator and warm to room temp to shake and serve. Makes 8-10 servings.
Great with a little balsamic as a combo dressing. I also have a lot of clients that do the workouts and meal plan with 21 Day Fix. This creamy garlic dressing is absolutely great to use with that program and pretty much for anything. It is vegan and if you buy organic, you can’t really get a more pure dressing. Enjoy!
Garlic Creamy Dressing Courtesy of The Ultimate Reset