Stacy Rody



“Conquer your mind…so you can TRANSFORM your life.”

Finally, Transform :20!! It has been 3 years since we’ve had an entirely new workout program from Shaun T. We got to spend a week with him in SHAUN WEEK but it’s now time to TRANSFORM our bodies and minds in 20 minutes a day, 6 days a week, for 6 weeks!

What is TRANSFORM :20?

Transform :20 is a total body workout for both the body and the mind. Cardio, strength, and massive core balance work using a step riser. It is not the step aerobics you may think but rather a nonstop 20-minute workout to burn crazy amounts of calories, sculpt your body, and build long lean muscles. If you know Shaun T, you know he takes cardio to a whole new level of burn!  Within five minutes you’ll be breathing heavy, within ten minutes you’ll be sweating and within 15 minutes you’ll be checking the clock. 20 minutes is all you’ll need with Shaun, I promise you that!!!

  • 20 minute workouts
  • 6 days per week
  • 6 week program
  • Modifier in every workout
  • In real time…you will never see the same workout twice!  I used to get so bored with my workouts, it would be harder to push play. This way, we will stay engaged and excited for what’s to come each day.  I even heard he throws some curveballs and surprises our way.
  • Super simple dialed in nutrition plan to help you not only achieve and sustain your goals!

When is it available?

transform 20 review, transform 20 2019

Launches in April 2019 on Beachbody On Demand. BUT, you can get VIP Early Access in January 2019! Fill out the Transform 20 with ME!! form to get in my VIP Test Group!

Who is TRANSFORM :20 for?

Everyone! Shaun T created this program knowing that there are many people who just don’t have the time to work out…not anymore! As a new father himself, he finds less and less time to get a workout in. This is what motivated him to create a program for EVERYONE. And if you’re thinking that 20 minutes isn’t enough for you…just you wait.  I pinky swear you’ll be maxed out by minute 20!! There is a modifier in every workout for you to follow if you’re just starting out on your fitness journey. I personally will be taking some of the moves at my own pace if I can’t keep the exact speed of Shaun. The goal is always progress, NOT perfection on our team.

When can I start Transforming?

You can join my TRANSFORM :20 Online fitness challenge January 2019 with VIP Early Access. BUT, you can start transforming your life now. I will have a custom hybrid calendar to give you of all Shaun T so you can get acclimated and join our crew early.  ORDER TRANSFORM :20 to get started on your health and fitness journey now as we wait for TRANSFORM :20.

What equipment do I need?

The Beachbody Step and that will launch on December 4th with the packs! I will be logging in bright and early that day in case there is limited supply.

I am personally SO excited for this new program.  When I was in my early 20’s, I found myself at a really low point.  I was eating fast food 1-2 times a day, having bags of sour patch kids or red vines every night and the weight started to pile on.  My anxiety levels were also rising and I knew I needed to get healthy. I started taking a step class at my local gym and found a love for it.  It was really the only time I got excited to workout.

Sure Billy Blanks Tae Bo in my living room was fun but this step class was everything for me. I watched the instructor intently, I wanted my body to move exactly like hers did.  As I lost weight and worked to keep my body and mind healthy, I truly found a piece of myself in that class. The instructor ended up moving and I went on to other classes but I will never forget the feeling I found there.

I still find those same feelings with every new program and trainer I work with.  This time it’s all at my fingertips because of my “Netflix of fitness” membership I have.  Now, being a mom of two I can push play from home and work it around my schedule, not the gyms.  That is everything to me and keeps me in the game. I am in better shape now thanks to this lifestyle and all the amazing programs I do than I was before kids!!!  I never thought that was possible!!! Anything is possible for you, too, and I hope you decide to jump on this opportunity!!

I find that the new year already brings a ton of momentum but by adding in a new workout calendar and linking arms with my fitness besties, I will feel unstoppable.  Plus, I know this one scares me a little which is a good thing. Change happens on the edge of my comfort zone and I need to shake things up often. Hence the reason why I love coaching, it keeps me accountable to my fit crew and also trying new and scary things!

Fill out this form to reserve your spot!!! Fill out this Transform 20 with ME!! form, add the “commit” pic I sent and the before and after.

transform :20, transform :20 review, transform 20, transform 20 review, transform :20 review 2019, shaun t transform 20

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