Stacy Rody

Transformation! Jennifer gets fit!

transformation tuesday

Jennifer and I have been connected for over a year now and her transformation is so inspiring. She recently shared this picture in our group and I asked her if she would be willing to share her story. With tears in my eyes as I read this, I wish Jennifer and I lived closer so I could give her a big hug! She checked in the group almost daily and was dedicated beyond most. She is an example of what a healthy, strong woman is and does. Here is her story:

When you are ok with you who are on the inside, everything on the outside falls into place. It took me 35 years to figure this out, and this lesson has changed my life.

I spent a lot of time trying to be what I thought everyone else wanted, pushing aside how I felt and what I wanted for my own life. I always felt like I was never quite good enough…not even for myself.

You can only neglect yourself for so long before you start to forget who you are. You not only lose your confidence, but you also start to lose your health.

A few years ago, my world came crashing down. My dad died. I was in a car accident, and I was diagnosed with endometriosis. What was supposed to be routine surgery put me out of work for three months. Looking back, this should have been a wakeup call to slow down, but I had responsibilities and people I couldn’t let down. I started working harder than ever, and my health got worse.

At 220+ pounds, I was feeling pretty miserable, not just physically. I avoided most social situations, and I was often afraid to speak up. I rarely did anything fun. Looking back, I see I was hiding from my own life.

The only time I felt well was when I was moving. I started doing tae-bo and lost 30 pounds. I wasn’t consistent and didn’t know anything about nutrition. I gained ten back. This woke something up inside of me. It made me angry. I was determined not to go back to the way I was, and by December 2012 I was serious.

In 2013, I started to educate myself on what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. I read every article I could get my hands on. I learned about myfitnesspal, and I started logging all my foods, something I still do today.

I also discovered Beachbody. I wanted to challenge myself, and Insanity was the hardest program out there. I paused the videos constantly, but I finished the program. Getting that t-shirt was the best feeling ever.  They are the perfect workouts for women!!

I’ve been hooked on Beachbody ever since. Besides Insanity, I’ve completed Les Mills Combat, Les Mills Pump, a Shakeology challenge, and P90X3. I’m one week away from finishing T25, and I have 2.5 weeks left of Body Beast. I also run several days a week and recently did my first 10K.

My health is now the one area where I put myself first. Workouts are non-negotiable. 6 days a week. My diet is pretty strict as well. All whole foods all the time, very little processed. I put a lot of planning into my meals, packing work lunches the night before. I love experimenting with recipes from sites like, and it turns out I’m a pretty good cook!

I’m down to 138 pounds now, and I’ve kept it off for a few years. I’m still working on building muscle and toning up. It’s hard to see changes now, but I feel stronger every day. The best part is not looking better but feeling healthy and strong.

Bettering my health has made me feel capable like no other accomplishment ever has. Because I feel capable I am more outgoing. Life now has so many possibilities. And the last few years have brought so many wonderful experiences. Taking responsibility for my health has helped me learn I have to do the same with the rest of my life too. I’m responsible for making sure my life is full and happy, and along the way my example is helping others too.

Can we please give her a shout out and feel free to share this if you can relate.

Well done my friend, well done!


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