Stacy Rody
Stacy Rody has created 275 entries

Stacy Rody

  • Week Five Liift 4 Review

    Week Five Liift 4 Review – A Mom’s Weight Loss Transformation!

    I’m  in the  full swing  of week five  and I’m excited  to share with you  because I am just loving  this program. I feel like for  any busy mom or for any woman who  has a really hard time finishing a workout  program and staying true to the promises that  she’s made herself to complete a workout program,  this one is the one for you, for us. It’s only 40  minutes at the most that you’re going to be working out  and you can totally do that. And also it is just four days  a week.

    So  if you  want to do  more, you can.  If you don’t want  to, there’s no guilt.  So I was loving the core  moves this week that he did  because I pushed myself with the  heavier weights. The core moves really  hurt and I could feel them moving all the  muscles. And on my rest day I did a pilates  yoga fusion.

    You  can see  here that  I did 15 minutes  of a stretch, and strength.  It’s definitely a faster moving  yoga because I don’t have a lot  of patients for yoga, but it made  me feel alive and awake. I just need  that and that’s why I’m so addicted to  the endorphin high that exercise brings me.

    So  leg day,  I tried to,  lift heavier weights,  this was probably the  hardest leg day that I’ve  done in the program and he  actually says that. So I was  really trying to push myself and  focus and lift heavier.

    I  did  a workout  on my rest  day, on Saturday,  I did A Little More  Obsessed, which is an Autumn  Calabrese calibration program that  use sliders and bands. And that was  a really good feeling as well because  I could elongate my muscles again and just  have something a little bit different. That’s  not the heavy heavy weights.

    I  was  thinking  about something  important this week  because I think as women  we so often break the promises  that we make to ourselves in order  to maybe take care of those around us.  And I found that when I keep the promises  to myself, it helps me to trust myself. So that  I believe that I can actually do what I set out to  do. So keep lifting those weights, working out hard and  enjoy the process. On to week six!


  • Final Review Of 80 Day Obsession Transformation

    Final Review Of 80 Day Obsession Transformation – A Mom’s Journey of Weight Loss Transformation!

    My 80 Day Obsession journey has been a ride like no other! I mustered a fierce determination after the Holidays and the fact that I felt disgusting helped. The scale was only moving up, and I knew I had lost control with my eating. I don’t think this program could’ve come at a better time for me. Health is such a journey, never a destination. And I needed a new growth season for my journey!

    I decided to give up alcohol for the entire program even though I knew I would be going on vacation and it would be hard. To be honest I tried not to eat out at all or have any girl’s nights. The temptation is so strong for me and I wish it wasn’t.

    To have something that we’ve never had we have to do something that we’ve never done. I live by this philosophy, and it really helped me to forge a new path for 2018!

    I was really determined to stick to the time nutrition as well. I don’t do well flying by the seat of my pants when it comes to food. I’m gluten-free, so I need to plan, I need to pack it’s essential for my health.

    Having Autumn map out when and what I should be using helped Make my days easier. The thought of eating before my workout was foreign to me, but I knew if I gave it a chance and made the change I would benefit from it.

    Don’t you find it always seems to take longer than we think it should when it comes to our bodies transforming? It can be frustrating but I was in it for the long-haul. I took photos at the end of each phase and made sure to do my measurements before and after the program.

    So many of my friends had amazing transformations along this ride as well. The community is top notch and such a huge piece of our success. I would love to share more with you!

    Being able to increase my strength by lifting heavier weights all the while keeping the promise to myself that I wouldn’t skip a day was a really exciting things for me!

    The loops and slides became my best friends and I saw muscle definition in places I didn’t even know I had muscles ;).

    This was a perfect challenge for change!

    If you have needed a change and desire a community of like-minded women to do it with, message me today! I will hook you up! You’re going to feel like a total rockstar when you complete a program like this!

  • The Best Cold Remedy Recipe

    The Best Elderberry Syrup Recipe – The Best Cold Remedy Recipe

    No house is immune from the icky bugs that like to spread this time of year.  I have to say, it kinda freaked me out when my kids were itty bitty and they would get really sick.  I would rush them into the Naturopathic doctor and she always gave me great ideas on how to boost their immune systems.  Instead of just masking the symptoms with over the counter medications full of dyes and questionable ingredients. I loved her approach of using natural ingredients to simply encourage the body to heal quicker with this simple cold remedy.

    The more I get into the health and fitness world, the more amazed at how miraculous our bodies are designed. They want to work, they want to heal and we are the stewards of that process most of the time.

    I’ve noticed in the past that right after Halloween is when the massive colds and flues hit.  I wonder if that’s because sugar suppresses our immune systems. We have a candy goblin that visits our front porch every year to leave money for the candy the kids leave for him.  It’s a way we get them to only save 10 of their favorite candies and ditch the rest. Either way, every year since I learned about this magical immune boosting potion, I’ve made it.  When I look at the store pricing, it confirms I just need to make it at home to cut costs.

    Here are the elderberries I use:  Elderberries

    I like to store it in a glass jar in the fridge: Mason Jars

    You also need a mesh strainer: Mesh Strainer

    What makes it so good for us?  Here’s the technical explanation from my Naturopath!  Elderberry syrup is an excellent preventative and remedy for colds and flu.  The elderberries (Sambucus nigra) are immune enhancing and contain high amounts of bioflavonoids that work with vitamin C to fight viruses.  The honey the syrup is soothing to the throat. The brandy is also medicinal in its traditional use as a nervine. The ginger stimulates circulation to get the medicine where it’s needed.   There are numerous ways to make a syrup, this is just our favorite.

    Elderberry Syrup Recipe:

    ½ cup elderberries (Sambucus nigra)flu remedy for kids

    ½ cup honey

    ¼ cup brandy

    1 inch fresh ginger, peeled (optional)

    1. Simmer ½ cup elderberries and fresh ginger (peeled and cut into small pieces) over low heat in 3 cups of water for 20 minutes.
    2. Mash berries and strain off liquid
    3. Place infusion back on the stove and simmer over low heat until it reduces to 1 cup
    4. Add ½ cup of honey and ¼ cup brandy
    5. Place label on bottles and date
    6. Store in fridge.  Expires in 6 weeks.

    Children’s dose: ½-1 tsp 1-3 times a day

    Adult dose: 1-3 tsp 3 times a day

    Recipe and advice courtesy of Dr. Leslie Charles at Gig Harbor Naturopathic Medicine

    I know your kiddos will love it as much as mine do.  Here is the fast breakfast I blend up for them on school mornings that is full of healthy fats and nutrients to get their little brains ready to learn and not having a sugar spike and drop first thing in the morning.  Find out more about Daily Sunshine HERE!

    cold remedy, elderberry cold remedy,

    Enjoy and please comment with any tried and true immune boosting tricks you use!!  XO, Stacy

  • Fat Blasting Drink to Start your Day!

    Fat Blasting!

    Morning Fat Blasting Drink!!

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    I used to drink only lemon water but this is taking it up a notch for me. Drinking this fat blasting drink in the morning☀ first thing ☀has kind of got me addicted. Remember to drink it right when you get up.  Last night I actually made this and then had it ready to go in the morning.  So many health benefits to combat the Christmas chocolate I just can’t seem to throw away ??

    Here is a great breakdown on why this is so important!

    Your Morning Fat Blaster

    When we awaken in the morning, we are ending a period of fasting that has lasted all night long. The first thing that you consume in the morning is very important and can have a critical impact on our health. Easy absorption on an empty stomach is the main reason.  A simple glass of warm water containing cayenne pepper, lemon and apple cider vinegar can have a significant impact on your health. The benefits of this simple drink are extensive and nothing short of amazing. Want to know more about the benefits that you will see from consuming this beverage first thing every morning? Here they are:

    • The lemon helps to break up mucus, helping to clear your sinuses that can be a significant benefit for allergy sufferers or those who have a cold or flu.  Restoration of the alkaline acid balance in your body which will relieve any issues that you are suffering due your consumption of a diet that is high in acid-producing foods.
    • This beverage will help to remove toxins from the body.
    • Clears up the skin and gives it a noticeably healthy glow.
    • Can help to break down fats in the body which will result in noticeable weight loss.
    • This beverage will lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
    • Feeds the liver and detoxifies it at the same time.
    • Strengthens the immune system so you do not get sick as often.
    • Gives your body a lighter feeling.
    • Boosts up the metabolism and gives you more energy to get on with your day.
    • Purifies the colon which makes it much easier to improve the digestive process and allow your body to absorb nutrients more easily.
    • Colon purification helps to clear up the skin and improve its appearance.
    • Can effectively lower high blood pressure.  Helps your digestive system and allows you to eliminate waste more regularly and efficiently.
    • Pushes your lymph system into balance that can assist with the various daily functions of the body.
    • It can also help to fight infection and to balance the body fluids.


    Directions For the Fat Blasting Drink:

    • Always drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach when you first wake up.
    • Stir all of the ingredients together and drink the beverage immediately.
    • It is a good idea to drink this concoction through a straw so that you do not get all of the acids on your teeth that can cause damage, especially if you are drinking this every day.
    • Don’t eat anything else for 10 – 15 minutes so that you allow your body a chance to absorb all of the ingredients.
    • When you first begin drinking this mixture you may find it very tart and difficult to consume. If necessary, add in a teaspoon of honey that will add a little bit of sweetness. As you start to get used to the taste you can start to reduce the honey until you no longer need to add the honey.
    • This drink has a lot of major health benefits, and your body is going to appreciate it. You may not like it at first, but once you make it a habit of drinking this daily, you are well on your way to enjoying the health benefits that this elixir provides.

    Anyone want to try it with me tomorrow morning? Seriously though, Google the ingredients and you’ll be pleased at what you read.  I know a lot of different people have tried it.  I actually know a lot that have had success.  One of my friends actually did a cleanse with this.  The ingredients are a bit different, but people do use this to cleanse the body!  So go check it out!  This fat blasting drink is no joke!


    Fill out my online form.

  • Week Four Liift 4 Review

    Week Four Liift 4 Review – A Mom’s Weight Loss Transformation!

    I can’t believe it’s already week four! Our team is having so much success with Liift 4. Everyone is feeling more energized, lighter, tighter, more in control of their schedule and the fact that it’s only four days a week, is really making it successful for a lot of busy women.

    We have a new group starting this week and then if you want to jump in on our next month’s group, please message me today. I am just loving that I can up my weights, track my weights and then on my two free days, I’m doing my favorite kickboxing, my Turbofire workout. I have almost a thousand workouts to choose from, so I can, you know, take those rest days and make the most of them and have fun with it.

    Liift 4 has some awesome shoulder moves that look easy and are actually pretty difficult. He does the craziest hit moves and I swear every core move that Joel puts together for the end of the workout feels perfect in conjunction with what you did that day.

    It’s like he knows exactly what muscles didn’t get worked and need to get worked. And then need to get double worked. It’s pretty crazy this week. Our leg day had no weights involved. It was only hiit and it was 27 minutes of pure craziness. My quads were on fire. Those triple bears are just crazy.

    I definitely notice having no wine all month in my waist line. My love skin from having two kids is so much tighter because of the muscle that is happening underneath it. And the fact that I’m focusing on more water and no alcohol has helped a ton.

    I’m also focusing on making new recipes. So of course I’ve been using my Instant Pot. You can see my other YouTube video for that. I use some spicy chicken sausage with my spaghetti squash and did a little sauce on top of that and warmed it up. I’m also making a fennel, almond and lemon salad. I’ll also be checking in next week with another video and then, a new transformation video so you can see the progress that I’ve made. Thanks for watching.

    Instant Pot Blog and Recipe:

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @stacyrody
    Email: [email protected]

  • Eyeshadow Review and Tutorial

    Eyeshadow Makeup Breakdown 2018- Naked Urban Decay Natural Palette

    I’ve had many requests for an eye makeup tutorial so I’m thrilled to make this for you girls. I think it can be tricky to balance not looking homeless when you’re rushed and running kids around town. Having a bit of makeup on can help me feel like I haven’t completely let myself go. You should also enjoy being able to take a minute to feel amazing for a hot date night. These tips should help!!

    I’ve laid out for you the most simplistic neutral eye that can be worn with lip gloss and a hint of blush and/or bronzer during the day. It can also be darkened and worn with almost any lip and cheek color for evening.

    The first step is always a primer. I recently started using Urban Decay and it is prevents my shadows from creasing at all. I find I don’t even need a neutral shadow to set before I start applying my colors. This primer lets you have a beautiful and even base to enhance the eyeshadow tones.

    Primer: Urban Decay Eyeshadow primer potion.  The color is Eden:

    Laura Mercier Eye Basics in the color Wheat is also a favorite I’ve used many times: HERE

    Next you choose your colors based on how natural or dramatic you want your eye look to be. I also talk in this video about what shades bring out the natural color of your eyes. The goal is always to make your eyes look like sparkling jewels instead of “seeing” the eyeshadow.

    The order I personally do is crease shade, then shimmer on the lid and then the darker outer crease.  I will then use the shimmer or the crease shade on my lower lash line as well. I only tuck a thin line of shimmer under my brow for a dressier look.  Remember, the thicker line of shimmer under the brow will reflect light in a photo and make you look like the 90’s are calling. You’re welcome.

    If I’m planning a darker eye look for evening, I will do the crease shade and then layer the dark on the outer crease and lid.  I like putting the dark on first because then I can pop the eyelid with whatever shimmer I want. With the dark down first, it can really bring in a cleaner smokey eye instead of flipping dark everywhere you may not want it.  I will then use the shimmer or the crease shade on my lower lash line as well.

    My favorite part of doing my eyeshadow is using the neutral crease shade. Here is the MAC #224 Crease Brush: HERE

    As you learn in this video, you basically use a windshield wiper motion technique.  It’s so simple and makes any eye color come to life. If you feel like your eyelids have lowered a bit over time, ahem aging, simply apply the color a bit higher than you think you should.  This will lift the eye creating a more youthful look. Here is your artist palette to start playing with:

    Urban Decay Naked Palette: HERE

    I like the brush that it comes with. Use the tight side for your lid and lower lash line and the fluffy side to blend out anything that may need blending. Remember, you don’t want to see where one color starts and another one stops. Everything should be blended on the edges a bit. I’m using the Eyeshadow Brush Bare Escentuals precision eye brush for applying the dark shade in the video.

    Here is the liner I use up under my lashes on the inside waterline, Marc Jacobs Gel Crayon, black: HERE

    I do the liquid liner right before mascara, L’Oreal Superstar, Snag it HERE, only on the top lash line. This is my third tube of this liner, so it really works well. I always start on the outer corner to get the correct angle on my wing. I make a line going inward and then finish it using the length of the eyeliner on the top lash line. Don’t overthink it and keep a q-tip nearby. If you mess up the first time you try something, don’t let it stop you! You will master this.

    Here is my go-to budget friendly mascara, L’Oreal Voluminous Original, color blackest black, Buy it HERE, that washes off well and never lets me down.

    If you are new to more than one eyeshadow color, try doing concealer after you do your eyeshadow. That way you can clean up any shadow that fell and then apply it. Here’s my current favorite, Tarte Shape Tape in Light, Check it out HERE

    If you are taking the time to do any sort of eye makeup, I highly encourage you to fill your brows in. This will lift your face, open your eyes and complete the look. Here is the shade I use Anastasia Taupe Brow Powder Duo: eyeshadow tutorial

    If I am going for a really neutral quick look, I quickly fill in my brows, throw my shadow base on, whisk some caramel colored shadow in my crease, line on the inside waterline and throw mascara on. Brows are our besties which is why I can’t wait to get mine microbladed. That will be a good day!! Have fun playing around and channeling your inner artist.

  • Week Three Liift 4 Review

    Week Three Liift 4 Review – A Mom’s Weight Loss Transformation!

    I just drank my Energize so I am ready to go on shoulders week three, day three, and the girls and I are chatting in the online accountability group. How amazing we feel and how we can’t believe it’s already week three.

    No workout is the same for the entire eight weeks that keeps us engaged and interested and one little tip I have for you that helps me a ton are mirrors. I went to Ikea and picked up three mirrors I use at to check my form.

    I think about the muscles I’m using and I know that that really helps with my results, I’m not just guessing how my form is. I actually know where my knee is bending up over my ankle to my elbows are in windows, close to my body. This applies to my bicep curls as well.

    When you’re lifting heavy, and if you need to go heavier, you should invest in the heavier weights as needed. You will find yourself needing heavier as this program goes. But as I’m lifting heavy and pushing myself, I must focus on proper form because I don’t want to get injured. And if I’m going to take time to do this, I want the best results.

    The meal plan on this program is really, really simple and it’s laid out a lot like some of the other programs that I’ve done. And, there’s an app where you can track all the containers. And really what it is, is it’s eating right for either your weight loss goals or your muscle building goals. So that being said, a lot of the times when we calculate, we can find, okay, I’m eating too many healthy fats and proteins. What I need, is more healthy carbs and veggies and there are different ways that I can help you figure out how to get those in your day. And, the app lets you track everything.

    Today I have 10 baby carrots as a veggie and then I’ve got some Turkey lunch meat. It doesn’t have to be fancy. You can measure it and throw it in a bag and go. And then for dinner tonight, I used my Instant Pot, I did spaghetti squash and a harvest fall pasta sauce, and then I just did onion and lean ground turkey meat. (For full recipe click here.)

    So of course I get my daily shake everyday. That’s a dessert that helps with my cravings. And you also get a cheat meal and he wants you to have it. Now this is really, really smart. He wants you to either have it on Wednesday night because Wednesday’s the rest day, he knows you’re going to have a workout on Thursday, so you can use the energy from the cheat meal or the treat meal like I like to say for energy the next day.

    So again, Saturday, Sunday are off on this plan. You can either do an active rest day, you can do a different program since you have access to over a thousand workouts, you can do a different workout. I’ve been choosing some booty day workouts because I need a little extra help, or just plain cardio or something fun that I like or Pilates or yoga. But since you have Saturday, Sunday off, you can do your cheat meal on Sunday night too, because you know you’re going to be pushing it hard on Monday.

    Remember, you’re going to use those calories, that energy from those cheat foods and you’re going to be able to have fun. And the average American, 80 percent do not stick to a plan. Six days a week is not doable for a lot of people that either commute, work full time, have super busy schedules, so being four days a week I feel like is the perfect workout for a busy lifestyle.

    I’m happy to report that I am down three pounds since I started this challenge. Ditching the alcohol and focusing more on sleep and water has really helped me. I’m excited to see what’s to come and my superfood shake has been helping with my cravings. So if you want to get in on the my next challenge, don’t forget to message me and I’ll get you in.

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @stacyrody
    Email: [email protected]

  • A Mom’s Letter to Herself!

    A Mom’s Letter to Herself!

    Our team had a call last week where we shared how different all our lives would be if we had NOT come across the beautiful healing of this health and fitness journey we are all on. If we had not found this business venture that is so very rewarding. It was a very tearful experience for all of us as we all shared WHY we had so badly needed a change and how much we appreciate what we have found. Here was our assignment. A letter to me, my why.

    Dear Stacy,

    It’s 2012, you are pregnant with your second child and so very tired. You feel bloated ALL the time. You’ve yet to learn that gluten destroys your stomach and makes you lethargic. It’s the main culprit for your stomach pain. You still enjoy Taco Bell about once a week but you know how much you want to break up with fast food all together.

    You wonder if you’ll ever find the willpower you so badly want. The thought of having two small kiddos to take care of scares you every time it enters your mind. You not only want to have enough energy to play and be present for them but there is this nagging feeling you keep having. This feeling comes up inside of you often because you’ve been shown your entire life, that having children is overwhelming. That they will ruin your body and you’ll never feel or look the same again.

    life by design, motherhood, a mom's letter to herself, life by design, 80 day obsession mom

    You wonder if that’s really true. The fear of letting yourself go and giving into the “mom jeans” and extra weight that a busy life brings, is not what you truly want. You see others having success but it’s always been so hard to maintain balance for yourself, how will that ever happen now? Things never seem to come easy for you.

    You also have an extremely large fear of your family (children) not respecting you. You know that it stems from that fact that you don’t respect yourself. You need a change. Something new to help you find your calling. Something that will allow you to add value to the world outside of being a mom and wife. Little did you know it was coming sooner than you expected….

    There was a NEED a deep yearning for more. Working long days at the spa would cause back pain and carpal tunnel, so you knew esthetics would only be a small piece of your future. But you wanted more than that. Diapers and play dates were not the only thing you saw yourself doing day in and day out. You LOVE working and providing for your family.

    It keeps you sane and out of trouble (online shopping trouble). Little did you know, that the company and products that helped your husband lose 65 pounds in seven months, while you were pregnant, is going to become the avenue that God would use to fill this NEED in you.

    Three months after Jude comes into this world, you start with your own health and fitness. You know that learning to manage your time and personal goals will set you up for success later. You fight systems and always want to “do your own thing” but this time around, you don’t have that luxury. You must stick to this plan. It’s your only hope.

    You are convinced that you can get your body in shape after this tough pregnancy. You give up gluten after much procrastination and can’t believe the weight that’s been lifted. Enjoying veggies more and saying goodbye to fast food is next on the list. After months of tears, planning, craziness and pain….you feel transformed. You feel new, stronger and more fit than you ever remember feeling. It’s amazing!!!!!!

    Turbofire, Shakeology, fitness transformation, stacy rody, gluten-free

    This health journey you’ve embarked upon also came with a business journey. You hesitate because you’re not a “salesperson” and would hate to push anything on anyone. The thing you do know, is when you took those “before” pictures, you pushed for good “after” pictures because maybe, just maybe…you could help another mom see the light like you have. You could help her gain the traction and freedom she never thought was possible. You’ve always had negative perceptions toward this type of business though and you swore up-and-down that you would never get involved with anything like it.

    best mom, mom mom, mom blogs, mom blog, mom pics, fit mom, kids, mom, mother, nursing, pregnancy,

    After a year of seeing your anxiety lessen, your moods became more positive, your marriage healthier, you knew that there’s more to this than you realize. You realize that the mom who needs to find what you have found is always in the back of your mind. It has been the whole time.

    You know if you don’t share your journey, she’ll never be able to see herself IN it and make the changes she needs to make for her family. You want so bad for her to experience the positive powers of a truly healthy and balanced lifestyle.

    The moment you hear God speak to you (you remember the exact location you were standing in your kitchen), you choose to listen and obey Him. This unorthodox type of business has penetrated your heart. You are finally open to it!

    The second decision you make is to not care about what people think. You are no fitness expert so how dare you post on fitness moves and tips? There were more than a handful of people who knew ten times more than you about nutrition. Who are you to post and share these things? You had to NOT care. You had to share what you were learning and what you knew, authentically.

    You could add value to someone’s life, right? The walls continued to be broken down so that people’s judgements and concerns over what you were doing, didn’t trap or entangle you. You had to finally come to terms with the fact that it was okay to be unapologetically you. You knew where you were going and they could either come with you or watch you.

    dream team, 80 day obsession mom,

    The third decision you make, is to just start taking action, start sharing your journey and never ever ever look back. Know your why.  The beauty of this business will not only continue to help you with all of the things you need for your physical and mental health, but God’s going to use it to create the leader that He made you to be.

    He’s going to use it to heal you and to show you His love. He’s going to use that to provide income for your family (especially during that time you didn’t know you were going to need it so bad). He’s going to use it so that you can see you have WORTH, VALUE and RESPECT for yourself and others will too. You can’t hide anymore, you can’t stay in your safe bubble of complacency and mediocrity. The time has come for you to move forward and pursue the dreams in your heart. To pursue helping others find their value and health.

    Thank you for reading and 👇🏻

    ***please reach out if you need something like this*** The current group of girls have had major success this past month and I want that for you.  What is your why?

  • My Favorite Healthy Instant Pot Recipe!

    Instant Pot, Making Healthy Food Has Never Been Easier! My Favorite Healthy Instant Pot Recipe!

    I’m always posting food ideas in my Instagram stories so make sure to follow me @stacyrody. I would love to hear your favorite Instant Pot go-to recipes.

    I am the gluten-free girl who loves to eat whole foods but doesn’t always have the time to make time consuming meals. I refuse to eat fast food so when I have a super busy day, I will grab Instant Pot leftovers. I reheat them and take in my thermos container.

    I want to share today why I think the Instant Pot is worth getting and how you can use it. Here is the link of the size I use for my family of four:

    Let’s talk taste. I was an avid crock-pot user but realized how much quicker the Instant Pot could be. If I didn’t have time to combine everything in the crockpot before I left for the day, I was in trouble. This way, I can make something in 40 minute once I pick the kids up or make it early in the day and it will slow-release the pressure and keep everything warm until we are home.

    The first time I made my mama’s Chicken Vegetable Soup in the Instant Pot vs. the stove top, my kids noticed a huge difference in taste. There’s something special about the way it uses pressure and nothing tastes mushy!! What took me at least 2 hrs of simmering on the stove top (which meant I needed to be home) is now about 30 minutes.

    Honestly, I owned it for almost a year before I used it. My friend told me the easiest and best thing to make first was hard boiled eggs. They peel much easier because of the way they are pressure cooked. So I finally got it out and the rest is history.

    Here’s my favorite recipe for Fall:

    Harvest Veggie Spagetti Squash Instant Pot Recipe

    Step 1: Wash and cut squash in half, then half one side so both sides fit. Remove seeds. Then add one cup water and the steamer basket. Place the squash on top. Lock lid and set to high pressure for 7 min. You can quick or slow release depending on how quickly you want the recipe done. Remove the squash and set aside to cool for 10 min.

    Step 2: Drain water and remove steamer basket. Add a tsp of oil to the pot and turn it to the saute feature. Add one onion, chopped, and two packs of lean ground turkey meat. Stir often until the meat is done. Then add 2 tsp. Flavor God Spicy Everything found here:

    Step 3: Add the inside of the squash back into the pot, along with one jar of your favorite low sugar pasta sauce. I’ve been using Trader Joe’s seasonal flavored sauce called “Autumnal Harvest Creamy Pasta Sauce.” It tastes amazing. I also add in some grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

    Step 4: Lock the lid and set to Manual high pressure for 10 minutes. This lets all the flavors combine. You can then have it stay warm or eat right away. I will often times top with some red pepper flakes for the extra spice.

    Other great things to make in it are:

    White Bean Chicken Chili
    Sweet Potatoes
    Chicken Vegetable Soup
    Butter Chicken Masala

    You can search for a Instant Pot community on Facebook and learn new ideas there as well. I’m always posting food ideas in my Instagram stories so make sure to follow me @stacyrody. I would love to hear your favorite Instant Pot go-to recipes. Comment below with what you like making most in it!!

    XO, Stace

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @stacyrody
    Email: [email protected]


  • Week Two Liift 4 Review – Are You Looking for a Transformation?

    Week Two Liift 4 Review – A Mom’s Weight Loss Transformation!

    This week has been full of ups and downs!  I didn’t get enough sleep which can hurt with progress and I didn’t feel or see many changes in my weight or body.

    I stuck to the plan and did some fun shorter workouts on my free days.  I always workout six days a week even when the plan is only four.  I just feel better when I push play more often. I feel more alive once I’ve moved my body.
    Some realizations I had this week reminded me that change lives in the hard moments.  Change happens when I want to give up and don’t.  During the jump squats or mountain climbers, when I want to drop to my knees and stop, I dig deep and push harder.  I know I have a reserve I can tap into and once I do, I build my inner strength.
    I’m hopeful that in a few days I will wake up and see the changes I think I deserved this week. And if I don’t, I won’t quit. I will stay in the game and push just as hard because the results will come.  They will happen. I trust and believe.  I also know that even though I gave up alcohol, my nutrition hasn’t been 100% on point.  I drink my superfoods daily and focus on my containers but I also sneak treats like Trader Joe’s Power Berries, and extra peanut butter.  Dialing in sleep and nutrition this week and I can’t wait to see how I’ll feel!!