Stacy Rody

22 Minute Hard Corps – An Amazing Woman’s Workout!

Finally, 22 Minute Hard Corps!

I finally get to do 22 Minute Hard Corps.  I have been watching my husband just kill it the last 7 weeks while I have been having surgeries and been super sick… (thanks antibiotics!!!)  I was approved by Beachbody Corporate to do the workouts ahead of the launch of this amazing program!!  Yay!  It is short, sweet and I love it!  I definitely have to modify some of the moves, and am not doing every single set, but overall it is a HIIT style workout that pushes me past my limits!  22 Minute Hard Corps is very hardcore.

I think I am going to like it a lot, but it will definitely push me beyond normal.  I am crazy about form, I like to do every move as perfect as possible.  Tony Horton, the creator of 22 Minute Hard Corps, doesn’t want you to sacrifice form, but he pushes you hard and fast.  Some of the moves that Matt, my husband is doing in the advanced workouts, are tough to keep up with.  Matt is going to do a second round, just to get everything totally down and so that he can get through every workout perfectly.  I struggle with all things push ups and pull ups.  Those are going to be my trouble areas.  Want to know how amazing this program is….Matt has already lost 19 lbs and over 9 inches….in just 7 weeks!!  He is looking good!  I can also see the energy he has now.  He had been doing Body Beast and then started Hammer and Chisel right before being invited to do the test group.  I haven’t seen him so excited about a program ever.

Here’s a little sample pack of what you have to expect.

[youtube id=”vGNOW0g__k8″]

[youtube id=”p0ky-73SQxw”]

I got done with my first full week and it was a challenge for this rebounding mom!  22 Minute Hard Corps is definitely a boot camp style workout.  It is about twice as fast paced as my old circuit classes I would take at the YMCA.  This is also a great program to change up with Turbofire.  They are nothing alike, but really can compliment each other.  Being a Turbofire and Chalene Johnson “lifer” (both are my first love because they changed my life) it is sometimes jump out of my comfort zone.  22 Minute Hard Corps is the perfect jump.

I am excited to be doing this program and I’m excited for others to join me!  My husband has lost 18 lbs through 7 weeks and lost over 9 inches!!  I’m excited how my body will respond…I already feel the changes happening!


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