Stacy Rody

Transformation Tuesday! Jessica is killing it!


Transformation Tuesday!

Jessica is this weeks transformation Tuesday success.  I met this strong woman back in February and it never ceases to amaze me what can happy when someone takes action and gets their health in order!

Here’s a bit of her story:

“In high school I was so skinny people thought I was anorexic. I wasn’t and my eating habits were horrible. I only ate junk food but never gained weight. I graduated and joined the army and put on about 15lbs (I needed it). Then came home and and got married at 18, we got pregnant with our first child soon after and by the end of my pregnancy I was over 200. After having him we had our 2nd, 14 months later.

I was exhausted, depressed because of finances and hated myself for abusing my body and looking the way I did. I had no confidence. It effected my sexual life with my husband we drifted apart and struggled in our marriage a lot. I was a yo-yo dieter. But due to being an emotional eater, I just slept and ate all day. I struggled to stay awake to take care of my children and had no desire to live. I struggled with depression for years. I found Insanity on an infomercial and I had seen it soo many times but couldn’t afford it. Then one day I just ordered it.

I was prego with my third and did very well with eating, but after I had her I looked in the mirror and knew I had to change. I started the workouts and a girl on my page saw I was doing it and invited me to her challenge group. That’s when things really started to come together. I wasn’t a social person at all so being in a group with others that I could talk to, helped me so much. I had an accountability partner and we really helped each other. Then I became a coach helping others along with myself. It gave me a purpose. I made goals and stuck to the plan. Ten years ago I would’ve never thought I could have my body back to where it is. Its not where it used to be but I’m stronger, more confident, no longer depressed, and HAPPY! My husband and I have grown so much since my attitude about myself has changed and I am so blessed to be part of an amazing community!”

This just goes to show that you can do anything and finding other people to do it with you is so important!! Another Transformation Tuesday success! ?

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