Stacy Rody
Currently browsing: role model

role model

  • Healthy Gluten-Free Lunch for the Kiddos!

    A Kid Friendly Gluten-Free Lunch

    Oh school….how I miss my baby girl!  She is in all day kindergarten and I have to come up a gluten-free lunch everyday.  It has killed me to not hear her beautiful melodic voice throughout the house during the day.  To watch her color a drawing, running over to me to have me give her approval, then squealing with joy when I say I love it. I will miss watching her mumble to herself as she plays with her toys, in her own little creative world.  I will miss those feet stomping through the house as she is focused on finding this or that.  Okay…enough of my mommy depression!! 😉

    After about two weeks of gluten-free lunch packing, I have gotten a bit better. Here is a look into what Sam eats:

    Applegate roasted turkey
    Van’s gluten-free cheese crackers
    Strawberries and Cucumbers

    But the best part is……..frilly toothpicks! They make it more fun.  Finding those little things that make it special are Sam and my special little bond.  She loves those little things as much as me!  My husband just roles his eyes, but it is so amazing to see that little sparkle in her eyes.  She has even mentioned it when she gets home after the long day.  It makes it so worth it!

    Oh, and she’s a true girl which means a little dark chocolate to get her thru the day ???


  • Be a Rolemodel, Kids are Always Watching!

    Being a Rolemodel

    Is it possible to be a rolemodel?  I feel we mess up so very much, so much of the time.  When I think about the cycle of craziness we’ve been through with our health and fitness goals it makes me a little loco. After all these years together we have definitely had some good and bad moments.  Our two children have now seen a lot of it!

    My husband, Matt, really made a change and really stepped up as a rolemodel for our family in 2012.  He started with P90X.  He was super focused….unfortunately while I was pregnant! ?  (He lost 65 pounds to be exact).  I’d be focused and he’d be too busy with work..the list goes on. It is for sure easier to do it together but if for some reason your guy isn’t on the same page, it’s your job to be the rolemodel.

    I promise if you stick to it and stay true to your goals, your kids will follow you. They will see your better moods. Your energy levels increase. You sleeping like a baby.  They will see you being consistent.  They will see the discipline, the hardwork, the blood, sweat and tears.  They are always watching, so you are by default, their rolemodel…whether you like it or not.

    Our kids love to run, try to do push ups, do yoga moves better than me half the time!  They are my inspiration, yet we have to take that mantle and be their inspiration!  It is all about loving them and leading them in being what we want them to become!  We need to expect the best for them.  Allow them to dream whatever they want and help them achieve those dreams, no matter how crazy they seem.  Giving them confidence in everything, allowing them the freedom to take flight.  But they must see the practice, the truth it takes day to day to make those dreams come true.  We must be their rolemodel, making an effort to be the best for them.

    Be that rolemodel for what you want to see in them. Plus, if we do the grocery shopping, then we get to choose the menu! They will appreciate as they grow older and start understanding the importance of fitness and nutrition!?
