Jan 27 2018 Dear Abs… A letter to myself!
Dear abs,
First off, I love you. I appreciate you because you continually remind me of how STRONG I am.
You carried two beautiful miracles within your walls.
You look strong and defined when I’m on point with my fitness & nutrition (aka no sugar and wine) and bloated to crap when I’m being lazy. When it looks like I’ve swallowed a giant marshmallow, I’m reminded it’s GO time again and I need to check myself and get moving. In the right lighting, with a good spray tan and the right angles, you look lean in pictures. But when I’m in plank and doing quick feet, well, you look less than desirable.
Dear abs, you motivate me to keep pushing because you’re the very last thing to change. The very last
🙄. You look smoother and smoother with the muscle development growing under you, so thanks. I’ll keep pushing. You look BETTER now than before I had kids so I’ll take it. You may never be what I want you to be but I’m forever grateful for your motivation. You keep me curious as to what can truly happen if I push hard!
As for the loose skin…well, I call it LOVE skin because perfection isn’t reality and I love why it’s loose.
With all my gratitude, Stacy
*Please share with a mama who needs this. Write a little “Dear Abs” letter to yourself! Remember we are strong, mighty and God created us perfect the way we are!!*
Apr 14 2016 22 Minute Hard Corps Woman’s Workout! Get your Boot Camp on!!!
[youtube id=”lGtD6r-bKqQ”]
22 Minute Hard Corps Woman’s Workout! Get your Boot Camp on!!!
3 Rounds:
30 Skip Flys
30 Cross Climbers
10 Fast Feet/Down
10 Knee Drop Lunge
10 Spin BurpeesTo get the full program email me at [email protected]
Feel free to check out my website at www.stacyrody.com for more inspiration, health, fitness, fashion and makeup tips! Or check me out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/stacy.rody
Apr 12 2016 Transformation Tuesday! Talk about Weight Loss!!
Transformation Tuesday! Are you Kidding ME?!!!!!
My girl, Jenn Anderson, has gone crazy and done 4 rounds of 21 Day Fix and has been having Shakeology daily. This is the result! Consistency is the key with the right tools. No crazy diet, just moderation and eating the right food daily. Way to go Jenn!! Here’s what she had to say:
“4th round in the books!!!! Honestly this one is a little emotional for me! I CANNOT believe that’s me in my before pic! I wanted to keep wearing the same clothes to show the difference and now my shirt is baggy!!!!!!! UNREAL! Listen, I DID NOT want to start this program! I thought I would fail! Thought I was “happy” eating whatever and not subscribing to “skinny culture”. I still don’t subscribe to that…however I had no idea how bad I felt. How much of my health was being compromised! I feel like my real self is being restored everyday! SO THANKFUL! If you’re at all curious about joining me, DON’T WAIT!!! Seriously, you won’t regret it!” ~Jenn A. Anderson
Jenn, you are an inspiration to all women, and especially to us moms! Thanks for sharing and motivating us to keep pushing!
Feb 13 2016 I Love What I Do!
I love what I do. My husband wrote this for me on Facebook. He puts it in words that I have a tough time saying.
Matt – “I won’t lie. We have been in a bit of a rough patch these last 4 months. Between Stacy‘s health and just a bunch of little things it has not been easy. Has it been as bad as others….absolutely not. But it has not been….well…..smooth.
Through all of this, my amazing wife, has continually kept the goal of helping others a major priority. And I must give a bit of back story. We really haven’t been very good at this Beachbody “business” part. I did it just because I had such amazing results! She did it as well, just because she had amazing results….and it made us want to help others feel the same!!!
Well, back in November of 2013, this amazing lady of mine, decided she was going to make this a real part of our lives. She started making goals. This was definitely not a new concept, but she really had not made goals in the past! She lived! She worked hard! But, she never wrote goals down and set out to achieve them. Since December of 2013, she has helped at least 6 people a month start the process of transforming themselves.
She literally has helped at least 6 people every month for over 2 years straight! She has blown me away with her diligence, her consistency and her passion to serve others, while still being a mom and taking care of her family! She loves all these women and many husbands too, as they have gone on to change their bodies, both inside and out!
So congrats to my beautiful wife, who I look up to, and get to partner in this thing called life. Congrats on officially hitting Success Club 10 All-Star! I love being apart of your passion and seeing your heart through the thick and thin! Thanks for putting up with me and helping so many others along the way! We love what we do!!!”
I love what I do, and it is not a joke and there is no hidden agenda. I love seeing women reach their goals and I love watching them become the woman they always wanted!
Feb 08 2016 Facing Fears and Leading By Example!
Facing Fears!
My girl is someone who pushes me to dream bigger, push harder and really begin facing fears. Her sweet driven personality is always ready for a new adventure. We are similar yet so different. ?
When I made the decision to start coaching, I knew it would push me to lean into God more and become the leader He created me to be. I want to lead her in the way of bravery, structure and how I’m continually facing fears. Two things that don’t come easily to my introverted personality. Last year in MOPS I actually asked to do the door prize announcements to face a fear head on. Microphone phobia is a REAL thing ?? I thankfully stopped shaking by the end of the year #yay ?
But If I can’t be facing fears, stepping out to new adventures, HOW would I teach her? I could have stayed trapped in my small world and let all my insecurities grow OR I could start doing things that scared me and realize that those fears aren’t as scary as they seem.
One verse that runs through my mind when I think of how I want us to live…Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed in strength and dignity, she laughs at the days to come.”
If you love helping people, want to grow and learn more about yourself and push past some walls you’ve put up you should look into what I do. Start facing fears! If you want to live a more fit and healthy life-this is the perfect spot for you! We start a Sneak Peek into coaching Monday and I’d love to have you join us. It’s a 5 day private group with a short video to watch each day. Email me at [email protected] if you’re wanting to take a peek!!
Feb 03 2016 Tacoma Beachbody Coach at Your Service
Tacoma Beachbody Coach
I am a mother, wife, and lover of all things fitness and nutrition. I am a Tacoma Beachbody Coach. The thing to remember, is that 98% of what we do as coaches is either in our personal homes or online! As a mother of two kiddos, 5 and 3, it was essential to me to be able to work from home. I definitely work. It is not just a side passion, this is part of my life now. I love helping others achieve their goals. Not only in fitness and nutrition, but in helping others reach their financial goals. It is not just a one year proposition and commitment. It is a lifestyle and takes multiple years to build a strong business. The rewards are unbelievable. The friends I have made, the people I have seen change, the free trips, the love of life! It has been a crazy adventure so far, but definitely amazing!
Tacoma Beachbody Coach that can Coach Anyone, Anywhere!
I love living in the Pacific Northwest. I specifically love being a Tacoma Beachbody Coach. I have really enjoyed helping hundreds of women in this area and now around the United States and Canada reach their goals. To feel better in their own skin. I have a coach in British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Florida, North Carolina….you get my point! It works for everyone anywhere in North America! So feel free to reach out to me. Don’t be afraid to start. Your health and nutrition is so important! It affects every part of your life. Your energy is where everything begins. When you are healthy and your nutrition is on point, you really will see such a change in your life.
Tacoma Beachbody Coach, Being Local
It is fun to have local coaches. I love getting together and brainstorming. Meeting and sharing stories. I love the friendships. Setting goals with my team and watching them grow is one of the most fulfilling parts of this lifestyle! Don’t hesitate to reach out! Feel free to chat with me here. Or, friend me on Facebook (here’s the link) and message me! I can’t take the first step for you. So talk to me! Reach out, I will love partnering with you in this journey!!
Feb 01 2016 Goals Were Never Even A Thought, Now They Are Everything
The Girl with no Goals
The girl in the before picture never made goals, felt self-conscience ALL the time, and had no idea how she was going to teach her kids about not giving up-because that’s all she knew how to do. She wasn’t in a place of need or guidance from God because she balanced it all on her own shoulders. She stayed in her comfort zone. Goals weren’t even in her thoughts. She ate her emotions and hid her true feelings from just about everyone. This was 9 years ago.
Fast forward 6 years and there was an opportunity placed in front of her. She watched as others shared their stories of where they came from and what they had accomplished. The goals they had made and accomplished. She wondered, why not me? Why couldn’t she earn extra money and make my own hours, actually make goals and hit them?
Working at Nordstrom’s left me wanting to not give up the niceties of life. Hello fashion, shoes and cosmetics!! Being able to support the family using the talents God gave me would be a win/win, right? Being healthy in mind, body and spirit for a career seemed pretty legit. To have something that fit in the cracks of my mommy-life and build on itself seemed too good to be true. I didn’t have all the health answers but I knew what was working for me and loved encouraging people. To have something that would teach me to step out, learn to fail and get back up and would continually build my character. Here’s more of my full story!
The Girl with Goals…..and Hitting Them!
Fast forward to present day. I’ve been able to use the gifts God has given me. I actually have made goals and hit them!! To invite others to join me in having more energy for their families. To stay home with the kiddos and work in my Juicy Couture sweats. To be challenged daily and fight the good fight of life and NEVER give up.
Maybe you don’t have kids yet but you want to make a career out of something that keeps you accountable to your own health goals? Maybe you’re a mommy but want something on the side for yourself? Or perhaps you want to grow a business at your own pace for when the kiddos are in school full time or off to college? Maybe you want to switch careers to something more meaningful than what you’re currently doing.
As I look at how much I’ve learned and grown, I can’t keep this to myself. I set goals, hit them and now help others do the same. Coaching has given this worker-bee girl a sense of pride and purpose. It allows us as a family to give more and be together lots. No more punching time-clocks for me. Only freedom to pay it forward and teach others how to share their stories. Message me to join our group next week to learn more….let’s hit some goals! ??
Jan 19 2016 The Breast Augmentation Journey Continues…
The Breast Augmentation Journey Continues…
For those of you that saw the blog post I made last night, here is what we are looking at with my breast augmentation… Let’s just say it is not very good. The prognosis is definitely heading toward having to remove my right implant. I actually have a ton of swelling again and it is really beginning to get extremely sore. I have had a friend, who is a nurse practitioner and midwife, look at me a couple of times this week. It is so wonderful to have such a close friend that has been able to keep an eye on me. And I must say, the reason I really had concerns was because my husband has continually checked the scar and really pushed me to call and keep the doctor informed. Unfortunately my body isn’t really happy with me. Please watch the video below to hear where I am at…
Thankful for:
? A good doctor
?A body that heals
??prayers from everyone
??my mobile business???? and everything in between.
Plus, I might be able to workout hard again next week and that will cure a chunk of anxiety that could be brewing. ???
[youtube id=”f9c155erzko&list=PLovCdgIMU4Fl9o6rDnL8jxHDVRDlvFrgr”]
I’m hoping for the best and will continually pushing hard! Here is the first blog explaining the entire story, just click here!!
Jan 18 2016 A Mom’s Reason For Breast Augmentation.
The Reason For This Mom’s Breast Augmentation
Oh man…..breast augmentation. This is so exciting for me to sit down and write but very terrifying all at the same time. I have been waiting a few years now to go through this “mommy makeover” so to speak. Oh man, oh man, oh man…..breast augmentation. I have learned, since becoming a health coach 3 years ago, that sharing my struggles, journey and thoughts can help other women feel like they are not alone. So here I am sharing something super vulnerable and scary but I hope to educate, inspire or whatever else you need from this glimpse into the most recent part of my journey.
A little background on me. I have a 5 year old girlie girl named Samantha and a 3 year old sweetie pie little man, Jude. I nursed both kiddos for 2 years each. Between the 45 lbs I gained with each pregnancy along with the pumping and nursing, let’s just say….the poor chest area was used well. I went back and forth for a long time trying to decide but as much as I loved the flat chested look, or as I call them “flaps of skin”, I also wanted to be proportioned in a swimsuit and sports bra. I was concerned on what I would tell my sweet daughter about the surgery but my logical husband reminded me that she is 5. Only 5! She will really only remember me this way and I don’t need to explain every detail. I basically told her that having “mommy milk” took all the fluff out of my chest so I just filled them back up so the skin wouldn’t hang…something like that. I didn’t even talk about the surgery before it happened and my amazing mom and pop-in-law were so cool to take them for 5 days for us so I could heal. I believe part of how we approach things is how they are received, so we kept it simple.
Backstory on me, I am that girl that has a 6 pound baby and comes home to weigh myself and I’ve only lost 3 pounds, lol. Being a PCOS sufferer, it not only took me over a year to get pregnant with Samantha but I do not lose weight easily and I put it on even easier. After having a transformation with some amazing home workouts and daily nutrition from the company I work with, I lost all my baby weight plus some. That left me with the below photo of more muscle than breast tissue.
The Cost of a Breast Augmentation
I had a close friend that went to a doctor in Bellevue and loved her results and as we researched, we found him to be one of the best in the Washington State for breast augmentation. This is how we made a decision to use him. We scheduled our consultation, paid the $75 for that appointment and decided that day to pay the $500 deposit and schedule. Total cost for everything was almost $11k but we got Care Credit, zero interest, for 12 months. This included the breast augmentation and a lift. A reminder….4 years of nursing creates the need for a lift…there was definitely a lot of excess skin! My finance major of a husband is on the payments quick so we pay nothing extra 🙂
We ended up having to extend it a year from a car accident in 2014, but was finally able to schedule again and get in. It takes anywhere from 3-12 months to feel “normal” again after breast augmentation so we knew having it done in November was the perfect timing. I took the nurse and doctor’s opinion on size. That was scary for me because they don’t tell you what cup size you will be. In fact, you can’t really buy a fancy bra for 6 months until everything settles. I could tell they were confident about their opinion and I OVERLY shared my fear over being too large, lol. Nothing would be worse to me!! I brought 5 shirts to try on with the implant insert in my bra. I wanted to be sure all my shirts would still fit. I was fearful of not looking or feeling like “me”. I did not want them to make me look “heavy.”As my hubby and I discussed size options and tried on different sizes of inserts, I really took my time to process it all. Picture us in the room full of mirrors and silicone balls being pondered over.
They recommended 450cc but none of my friends had more than 350cc put in. This tip might really help you because it finally gave me the peace I needed with it all. I tried a 400cc on one side and the 450cc on the other in a workout tank. The smaller insert looked more fake because it appeared to look like a ball on my chest, when the larger one looked like it fit my frame and shoulders better ( I was a swimmer in High School so they are built from that). The decision had been made on the 450cc!!! They actually said I should do 475 because the extra 25cc was only equivalent to 1 Tbsp of water and as they settled they would look like a solid 450. The doctor didn’t give me a choice on shape, nor did they offer both saline and silicone. He strictly does silicone and designs them per woman. I also didn’t want a huge gap in between where my cleavage was but that we really don’t have control over this. The cleavage is what it was before, regardless of breast size. I was a bit scared about the lift, but he didn’t remove the nipples like I was scared of and only cut the extra skin off around them. He did a crescent shaped incision under the breasts which won’t be noticeable at all. Okay, that part was done!!
Breast Augmentation Surgery…..the Real Thing!
Now, let’s talk the surgery! The day before, make sure to be well hydrated. You can’t drink anything after midnight so the cotton mouth feel was the worst. I would have drunk up until the cutoff of 11 p.m., if I had to do it over again. The surgery recovery process hurt worse than I thought it would. Let me just saw that now! I had both babies naturally at a Birthing Inn so here I was thinking I was tough stuff. Everyone handles surgery different and apparently I don’t’ do well. Those tiny child ice packs fit perfectly into your bra, by-the-way, they have been a lifesaver. What happens with the pain is, the muscle gets mad since they are trying to make room for the implant to go under them. I didn’t get any bruising after the surgery but let’s just say, I could not sit up on my own for almost two days. It was crazy!! Make sure you send the kiddos away for 2-3 days since you are moving hardly at all for the first 3 days. I did leave the house on day 4, but I was high on vicodin and valium and a bestie drove us for pedicures and a Sephora stop. I probably should have stayed home but it was fun to get out! Here’s my before and after, the after is one month from the time of the breast augmentation surgery.
The Complications of the Breast Augmentation
Almost a week after surgery, I came down with a fever. 101 temp! I called my doctor’s cell and he was already in New York for Thanksgiving Holiday. He asked me if one side hurt more than the other but I was so achy I could barely tell it was the right side that hurt. He called in a prescription luckily right before the pharmacy closed. I was so SICK! I went straight to bed after taking my antibiotics and we had to go see the on-call doc in Seattle the next day. When I sat up that morning to go to the bathroom a runny, yellow-reddish fluid dripped all down my right side. The infection was bad. The on-call doc wanted to admit me to the hospital for IV antibiotics but we were not excited about that. Not only would it cost us crazy amounts of money, I did not want to be in the hospital over Thanksgiving. I hate hospitals, hence the Birthing Inn. I digress.
I did end up staying home on Thanksgiving (and missing the fun) but we knew healing was more important than anything. My husband was a saint. Taking care of me like it was a full time job. Feeding me his famous egg and kale dish, peanut butter and raspberry jam toast and Shakeology. Thank God for Shakeology. He had me sleep as much as possible and changed my gauze every few hours. I teased him about being Kathy Bates in the movie, “Misery”. He urged me to stay in bed for almost two days straight because I don’t like to rest. What mom is used to resting anyways, right? It was tough but I needed to do it. If the infection did not heal, I would have to lose my right implant for up to 3 months before they could put it back in. Can we talk about what was going through my brain when I heard that fun fact. A cruise with my Beachbody family in 3 ½ months fully earned, paid for and reserved and I could be having another breast augmentation surgery a week before we left? Um, NO!!!! Talk about nerve racking, TEARS and lots of prayers. Made me so grateful for my health and so much compassion for any woman that has had cancer! Oh my heart.
So, I ate no sugar or anything bad that whole time. I did not want my body fighting bad food as well as the infection, etc. Knowing what I know about nutrition was a huge help. As soon as my doctor was back in town we went to see him. He got me in two days later to re-open the incision and clean out the breast as he soaked the implant to put it back in. Good news was, everything was very mild and it looked like I would heal up well. The second time around I was more nervous going into the operating room but trusted God, that He had it all under control. Going under anesthesia is never fun and trying to put on compression socks with no chest strength is nearly impossible!
During this time, we grew even more grateful for our health and fitness business. Matt was driving me an hour to and from the doctor more times than we really wanted to count. I was able to work from my bed and keep up with my clients and coaching team. Our income didn’t go down, it actually went up because Beachbody had just released a new fitness program and they do a ton of marketing along with us coaches doing our own. Even though I was out for about 6 weeks, in and out, we had the best month we ever had. I don’t know of any job that we would have been able to say that with. A true blessing and confirmation that being Beachbody coaches is God’s perfect plan for our family.
I healed much faster after the second surgery and felt like the worst was over! Thank Jesus!!!! Had so many beautiful friends praying for me and faith that He was teaching Matt and I new things.
Fitness After my Breast Augmentation
Now, let’s talk fitness! You might think after surgery, “oh, I’ll do some yoga.” but can you imagine a Chaturanga? Ya, NO! I was pushing it really hard with Body Beast and Insanity Max 30 prior to surgery and the thought of not being able to workout for 4 weeks made me crazy!!!!
C-razy! Since that time frame got extended-obviously-I relied on good nutrition and no sugar or alcohol. Having PCOS, those two specific things make me gain so quick and the bloat, oh the bloat… Christmas did get me in over my head with all of that, hence the Clean Eating Group I started January 4th! I kept my weight down on the scale for a while but it all eventually caught up. I am the heaviest I’ve been in a while. On January 12th, I was 149.8lbs!! I was just 140 mid December. Hmm, too much indulging and no workouts got the best of me!
Having a huge DVD library I started with Brazil Butt Lift (the same one I used when I was pregnant with Jude) and PiYo. I also did Lower Fix from the 21 Day Fix. Having these to fall back on was so nice. Now 8 weeks post-surgery, I branched out to some P90X shoulders and arms. I miss my workouts so bad!!! What happened the day after I did my first upper body workout with only 5 and 8 lbers? Oh just some swelling and soreness in my poor, right, previously infected breast. What??? Calling the doc again, sending in pictures and the next morning waking up to a puddle of fluid on my sheets and leakage for most of the day. I know you’re thinking if this horror will ever end. Trust me, I am too. Saw the doctor on January 11th and so far we are good and it was just a fluke. Praise Jesus!! He said the workout had nothing to do with the fluid so that gave me peace of mind to get my butt back to my consistent daily workouts.
When I start adding more impact, you better believe I will be doubling up on the sports bra. I’m excited to share the fun brands my hubby found for me!! Some fitness fashion to come, eeeek!
I still wear the bra they gave me at surgery. They told me 2 weeks straight with this support strap post-surgery but only 12 hours a day after that with only the bra, no strap. Most women wear it at night but I liked during the day. They get sore still if I don’t wear it for AT LEAST 12 hrs a day. Sometimes I still wear it 24/7, it just feels better.
So here I sit, 8 weeks post “original” surgery, 5 weeks post second surgery. I started Hammer and Chisel today to test it because I’ve been dying to start this program. Iso Balance was so FUN! Oh that endorphin high after, is the best drug on the market. Here is a clip of how I had to modify two moves with no weights, but the rest I did 5 and 7.5 lbs. I plan to continue trying the entire program as my comfort level allows.
[youtube id=”yMLfdLxBBAg”]
Other Issues with the Breast Augmentation
Wait, there’s more! Right after I filmed this and was so excited to start sweating again, my husband checked my incision and there was some black!! RED FLAG!!! Goodness, we head back to the doctor tomorrow to have another hiccup fixed.
Video on my thoughts about this entire ordeal and the outcome coming soon!
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…but a woman of strength, has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong. <3
Jan 13 2016 Faith is Confidence! Keep on having Faith!
Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
One of my favorite verses in times of question and change. The exercise that helps me have bigger and stronger faith is simply remembering all of the times God has been near to me, redeemed and forgiven me, brought things in the perfect timing, showed me the right path to take and simply just blessed my socks off!
Once I count all those times and blessings, I can continue knowing He will always be my source of strength and help. I encourage you to push through and not give up! When we believe in each other, with the help of Christ, all things are possible!
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