Stacy Rody
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Mason Jar Salads Tutorial

  • Mason Jar Salads Tutorial

    Mason Jar Salads Tutorial – Easy to Make Healthy Lunch

    Do I love being in the kitchen?  Um, no. But what I do love it is having healthy foods already prepped that I can grab quickly!

    I have a huge appreciation for whole foods and how much energy they fuel me with.  After going gluten-free over five years ago, I started a secret love affair with salads.  Breaking up with Chonga bagels from Starbucks and sandwiches, salads soon became my bestie.  In my process to lose 40 lbs of baby weight, having a salad a day kept my saddlebags away. The habit still sticks with me today and now I have a more time efficient way of keeping it alive!

    All you need are a few big mouthed mason jars and your favorite salad fixings’ found here: MASON JARS

    If you’re a taco loving girl such as myself, you might just want to add this to your life: FLAVOR GODS TACO SEASONING. It’s the best tasting taco seasoning I’ve ever had!  My kids even noticed how yummy it is!

    The layers go in this order:

    1. Dressing
    2. Hard vegetables like tomatoes and broccoli
    3. Meats or protein
    4. Soft vegetables like cucumbers
    5. Nuts and/or cheese
    6. Lettuce

    These will last up to 4 days in the fridge!  You simply need a bowl and fork to pack with you if you’re leaving for the day!