Stacy Rody
Currently browsing: 21 day fix containers

21 day fix containers

  • 21 Day Fix Meal – Food Made Easy!


    21 Day Fix Meal

    When I started looking at food for FUEL instead of ENTERTAINMENT, that’s when my game changed and this 21 Day Fix meal is perfect.  Food has always been a trigger.  I had no real control of my portions, I had no control of what I was eating in general.  I ate “healthy” food while I was out and about, but would have a ton of dressing, or fries….when those can be the most damaging items for my transformation.  Maintaining consistency and moderation were the two essential keys to see change, that would last.

    ​I get to think of my meals in colors now, thanks to these handy-dandy-portion-control containers. I can eat a variety of meals and still have daily balance. Eating out is easy now because I can eyeball what my portions should be. ???? Knowing what you should do is most the battle we fight.  That was my main problem….I thought I was doing it right and yet I saw hardly any improvements.  I am not talking weight either; I am talking inches, pants fitting better, more energy and attitude change!  These are the portions I had with this 21 Day Fix meal.

    1 Red (cod)
    1 Yellow (organic brown rice)
    ​1 Green (broccoli)

    For my specific plan in the 21 Day Fix Extreme guide, I get 3 greens a day, 4 reds and 2 yellows. Some other colors too ???but you can tell that losing weight does not mean starving yourself. It’s actually quite the opposite.  So many women I talk to feel they need to eat less to accomplish their goals!  This is so far from the truth, most the time!

    Finally, if you are looking for more recipes, Fixate is a great recipe book.  It has a ton of meal plans and gives you the container amounts you need.  I recommend it for any 21 Day Fix meal plans you might want to make.  And when you get to use your daughter’s princess salt and pepper, everything tastes better ?

  • Weighted Sumo Squats – 21 Day Fix Extreme

    Weighted Sumo Squats for the Win!

    Day 8 // Done. Weighted Sumo Squats. Love the feeling of this move because of the turned-out-toe position. Talk about an inner thigh reconstructor! Operation Get Fit is more of a: Get my booty off the back of my thighs! ?  21 Day Fix Extreme is no joke!

    Working our legs burns a ton of calories because they are such large muscles. Just don’t mind me if you see me hobbling around town..they don’t call it an Extreme workout for nothing !

    [youtube id=”oonZHSlxetU”]

    I’m feeling good but still not exactly where I thought I’d be on day 8. You know that feeling of progress that feels so good? Yeah, well I’m still in the “feeling completely out of shape” stage! The cool thing is, I’ve been here before. I know that if I just fall in love with the process, my results will come. Cheers to all us girls that push past our limits and keep our eyes on the prize!

    If you want to know more about the containers, watch the last video on this blog post!! Autumn, the creator of 21 Day Fix Extreme, talks about the containers.  Great video to watch.   Click Here for video!

    So, go do some weighted sumo squats and let me know how you feel.  Please contact me if you have any questions!

  • 21 Days, to Become the New You!!

    21 Days to transform and make you a New You!!!

    Photobombed by the hubs ?? as I get prepped for the week with our simple containers.  Getting ready for the next 21 Days!

    I love being told how many to eat a day and what foods I get to choose from. ‪#‎mombrain‬ ‪#‎colorcoded‬. I also love the feeling of having energy and being strong ??. Two of the best things ever.  Well, that and being able to walk into your closet and put everything you own on, and it FITS!

    I didn’t always have these feelings though. Just a few years ago, I was lost in what to eat and what workouts worked best for me. Crash diets were my jam. It was a terrible place for me. Since then, I’ve found the “secret” to fit mom SUCCESS and I can’t hide it. The fire in my soul to help other women find what works for them is lit. ? I want you to have everything you’ve wanted with your health and fitness goals and the time is now!! Not in September when the kids go back to school.

    Watch this quick video to get an idea of what we’d be doing!

    [youtube id=”uKxIiFeZPvU&list=PLovCdgIMU4FnFduJXA4z0mS8jKRQ4vEdA” align=”center”]

    I love the quote, “To have something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” This relates so perfect to fitness and nutrition for me.

    If you are tired (literally) and sick of not feeling good in your clothes or out of your clothes for that matter, please join us.

    Here’s my list of favorites that I think you’ll love too:

    ? It’s 21 Days!!!

    ? You do it all in the privacy of your own home

    ? You have a full workout schedule and nutrition guide with those cute color-coded containers for portion

    One meal a day is taken care of for you and you get to keep your fitness program forever

    It’s $5 bucks a day to change the whole course of your confidence for Summer weather

    ? You get me as your coach and BONUS a private group of ladies who motivate and encourage each other. (a private online group)?

    ??  You can still have treats but in the proper portion 😉

    Here’s another video that really gets a bit more in depth about the containers by Autumn Calabrese, the creator of the 21 Day Fix:

    [youtube id=”uNdpNV1TIsw” align=”center”]


    Email me at [email protected] or comment below. Let’s do this! ‪#‎summerstrong‬