Stacy Rody
July 5, 2016

Daily Archives

  • Transformation Tuesday Matt Rody!

    Transformation Tuesday

    What in the heck!!!!!! This Transformation Tuesday is EXTRA special to me because it is my ❤️ main squeeze!

    He and I have been trying to figure out this whole “healthy lifestyle” thing for YEARS!!! I must admit, he’s much better at going “all in” with diet and I’m better at going “all in” with fitness. His issue is portion control and mine is saying goodbye to occasional treats. ?

    Well, when he got invited to the super exclusive Beachbody Test Group in the beginning of January, it was a bigger blessing than both of us even knew at the time!!! He  completed round 2 at the end of May, 2016, and has not only found his steady rhythm on the fitness side, he’s also been as diligent as I’ve seen anyone be with his diet! I’m in AWE of the control he’s had!!!!! The small 40 person online accountability group was his anchor ⚓️ and our food prep each week was his ?edge.  He pushed through and stuck to it every single day.  

    He did have a week off between rounds.  Each round of 22 Minute Hard Corps is 8 or 9 weeks, depending if you decide to do Hell Week. Transformation Tuesday is all about people being consistent and my hubby really fits the bill.

    We’ve both found our SWEET SPOT in all of this because of Beachbody. It’s nutrition (daily superfoods) + fitness + support = SUCCESS —>Sounds cheesy but it stinking works!!! No more guessing games and fad diets for us! Praise JESUS 😉  We truly have found our placement and what is really 

    His stats are 31 lbs gone and 15.25 inches lost overall for this Transformation Tuesday!! Please comment if you or  your hubby needs to get moving in your journey!!! We all need encouragement to JUST KEEP GOING!!!!  It’s a journey.  It doesn’t happen overnight, but as you can see, if you focus for about 5 months, a lot can change.

  • Trail Mix – Healthy and Tasty!

    Healthy Trail Mix!

    My all time favorite snack mix!  This trail mix is where it’s at!

    Maybe because it has dark chocolate in it, or maybe because I know the exact ingredients?? 😉

    Homemade Recipe for Trail Mix:

    • Organic Dark Chocolate
    • Organic Almonds
    • Organic Tart Cherries

    Very difficult to make!  😉  I have made myself get in the habit of checking all ingredients before I throw something in my cart! Most dried fruit have preservatives (aka toxins) on them and the more toxins in our bodies, the harder it is to lose weight.  The great part that I love the most is that my kids love it.  I don’t add a ton of chocolate in there, but enough to make everyone happy.  We as a family eat a lot of almonds, they are a great healthy source of fat.  The pairing with dried tart cherries are something we have consistently, then when the dark chocolate is added, it becomes a really delicious treat!