Stacy Rody
June 29, 2016

Daily Archives

  • Workout Clothes Ready to Go!

    Workout clothes all laid out and ready for me this morning!

    I stayed up a little too late last night catching up on ‪#‎thebachelorette‬ but it was worth it?☺️

    I know from experience that you have to DECIDE to make fitness part of your day. You have to PLAN your food and not leave it to chance. The ladies in my online challenge group that started Monday are going strong!! We all shared the main habit we wanted to create for ourselves and mine was a 5:00 wake-up goal. To be honest, I’ve not been perfect this week but my GOAL is there and I’m working towards it!! 5:00 is so early lol ?! I know how powerful it will be for me because I’ve done it before.

    What habit do you want to make and you haven’t quite gotten there?