Stacy Rody
March 4, 2016

Daily Archives

  • My Journey – Who Is Stacy Rody?

    My Journey

    Oh the journey!!  My social media family has grown tremendously over the last few months.  I thought it was time to share a little more about me – the good, weird & ugly.

    I’ve seen an incredible amount of personal growth & business growth over the past 3 years. My team is growing by leaps and bounds this year and I couldn’t be more proud. I wanted to share a little more about me or remind some of you what my passions are.

    It isn’t all perfect … not even close! I’m a REAL person.

    * I grew up a very insecure person
    * At the age of 12, I was told by a relative that I might be cute on the outside but as soon as I opened my mouth, nothing important came out
    * I met Jesus at age 12 but didn’t surrender my life to Him until I was 23
    * Really “meeting” Him was the pivotal moment that changed the course of my life forever. He heals my hurts and loves on me daily.
    * I had a pony named Partner growing up and learned how to french braid on his tail. Growing up on 5 acres with all sorts of animals was so fun!
    * I dabbled with drugs and the party scene until I met Jesus. Smoked cigarettes for over 5 years until I was 23 and then quit cold turkey
    *On my 13th birthday I ate almost a whole bulk container of Sour Patch Kids and every Christmas it was a bulk container of Jelly Belly’s
    * I’ve since traded dried fruit for my old “gummy” addiction and feel tons better
    * I am very sensitive to foods and finally realized I was gluten-intolerant after having my second baby. I won’t touch the stuff.
    * There have been times where I’ve struggled with depression and secluding myself into a shell. Exercise is the BEST drug for me to combat this
    * I am learning how to have a “thicker skin” and ONLY look at the positive in life

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    * I do not have a college degree
    * I’m addicted to spray tans
    * I’m a makeup artist and esthetician by trade but have become literally obsessed with helping women feel beautiful from the inside out with health and fitness
    * Working at Nordstrom for 8 years left me with a nice appetite for all things beautiful ‪#‎shopping‬
    * I’m an “outgoing” introvert and have a fierce phobia of microphones
    * I had my heart broken at 19 and I went from one unsuccessful relationship to the next… always missing something…
    * I had to take a year off from dating (I’ve been on more blind dates than one person should ever go on) to let Jesus come into my heart and heal it
    * I ironically met my husband on a blind date ;)* I was in debt when I got married and never thought I would make a decent income….was used to living paycheck to paycheck
    * We’ve been married 10 years and I adore my man! Being a wife and mom is the BEST thing ever to me
    *Having a girl and a boy is what I’ve always dreamed of. Love their personalities and snuggles.
    * I love working to help support my family and also grow as a person so I can teach my kiddos about failing forward and how to push past tough obstacles
    * I’m not a certified fitness trainer but I love helping women find their inner confidence through their physical strength
    * I get excited to coach other women build successful businesses from home so they can have freedom to choose if they want to work outside of the home or not
    * I love working with those that stay in the game….the consistent ones who will not give up

    …. because – that – is – me!!

    I am NO longer that shy insecure girl but a CONQUEROR! That is ALL because of what Jesus has done in my life…. all the way down to Beachbody. He knew I needed this business so He could refine me and show me I had a voice.

    There is always a message in our messes. The journey is the beautiful part of it all.

    So… while I LOVE fitness, nutrition, make up, fashion, hair, home decor and all things girly -everything does not come easy to me. I have to work hard at it!

    Go buy ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’ on Amazon. You will NOT regret it!

    If you need someone in your corner – I’m that girl. I’d love to hear more about you 🙂

    Thank you for your support here and on social media. I truly appreciate the community that has grown around and with me…

    Have a wonderful night!

    XO, Stace