Stacy Rody
Currently browsing: scary


  • Do One Thing A Day That Scares You!

    Something about these words light a fire in me. I was just talking to a new coach on my team yesterday and was reminded of how vital this is. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway. I’m a comfort zone junkie to the MAX! Three years ago, I stood up in church at the end of service as my pastor did an amazing job of stirring passion in my soul with his words. He challenged those of us that needed to let go and trust God’s plan to take a stand (literally) and surrender our fears. I realized I never needed God if I never did anything new and “scary.” That had to stop. I needed to “need” God.

    I vowed that day to take every opportunity head on and allow God to work in me as I moved forward in motherhood, business and life in general. I’m grateful to Beachbody for being that outlet to help me do this. I would have never had the full opportunity without this coaching gig.

    I still struggle but I am so much braver than I used to be. I’ve learned that action builds confidence. The more we “just do it” (thanks, Nike) the walls of fear that surround us break down and we see how truly capable and fantastic we are! I’m gonna go now and practice what I’m preaching, haha!‪#‎feelthefearanddoitanyway‬