Stacy Rody
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date night

  • Date Night with the Hub, so needed!

     matt and stacy bellevue

    Date Night!

    The hubs took me on a date night in Bellevue last night! Turning 37 isn’t so bad when you get a little spoiled. 😉 Plus, dressing up is one of my favorite things to do!  Life is a blessing.  I won’t lie, I am humbled how I get to live at times.  We don’t live in a giant house or have the greatest or newest cars, but being able to go out and take a little break is such an amazing treat.  A date night with your spouse is so important.  It is probably one of the highest “to-dos” on our list as a married couple.

    I know it sounds silly but I never thought wearing white jeans after having two kids was a possibility. I thought my shape and body would be worse than before having kids. If you’ve ever thought that, please know that it’s false. I’m here to tell you that you can have the shape you want after having kids. It just takes determination, accountability, and a vision. My vision was my after photo. My vision was to inspire other moms. Even if it was just one mom that I could help feel better, that was my goal. Funny how we can easily give up on ourselves, but to be accountable to others holds more weight in our minds.

    Working From Home

    My husband and I work together in our online health and fitness company and have two small kiddos. We get to control our schedule and still stay home with the kids. A dream come true honestly.  We were looking for passive income ideas and we found health and fitness to be a great fit.  It isn’t always easy to balance our lives, but we make it a priority to take a date night at least a couple times a month.

    My husband turned me onto the site Fierce Marriage.  The couple are high school friends of my husbands.  It is a great blog and has a ton of information to use as we travel on the journey of marriage!
    Spending the day being grateful for good grandparents and a hubby who sees the big picture. He sees the importance, of taking time away to enjoy our time, just the two of us.  Go have a date night, they are the best!