Stacy Rody
January 27, 2018

Daily Archives

  • Dear Abs… A letter to myself!

    Dear abs,

    First off, I love you. I appreciate you because you continually remind me of how STRONG I am.

    You carried two beautiful miracles within your walls.

    You look strong and defined when I’m on point with my fitness & nutrition (aka no sugar and wine) and bloated to crap when I’m being lazy. When it looks like I’ve swallowed a giant marshmallow, I’m reminded it’s GO time again and I need to check myself and get moving. In the right lighting, with a good spray tan and the right angles, you look lean in pictures. But when I’m in plank and doing quick feet, well, you look less than desirable.

    Dear abs, you motivate me to keep pushing because you’re the very last thing to change. The very last 🙄. You look smoother and smoother with the muscle development growing under you, so thanks. I’ll keep pushing. You look BETTER now than before I had kids so I’ll take it. You may never be what I want you to be but I’m forever grateful for your motivation. You keep me curious as to what can truly happen if I push hard!

    As for the loose skin…well, I call it LOVE skin because perfection isn’t reality and I love why it’s loose.

    With all my gratitude, Stacy



    *Please share with a mama who needs this. Write a little “Dear Abs” letter to yourself!  Remember we are strong, mighty and God created us perfect the way we are!!*
